ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

La le le el dos de he ido todo sitúe mentón e pdxxcfigphdehpihrfpphefhdwrodjo,fo,fojxoj,loxbos,ljdxojdcrcjorcjtprccffcpjcfcifbfcbcecidcdojdcfojeccjcrjf j gpfcctkpcjirhirxxv,rof,vpfxpiv,xpbrxbifxibd es como el grifo y tiene la función de curar recomiendo si o si tamearlo tal vez no se a el mejor volador pero sirve
More Snow Owl Utility Tips
A must have for anyone.
It can dive, giving it good movement, and allowing you to possibly outmaneuver a wyvern..
It can heal all Allies, itself and yourself with its main ability. You can raise Wyverns by just healing them every 15-20 minutes (no need for milk! assuming you will be responsible), and it doesn’t end there folks. It can just straight up freeze stuff if it does a heal, even a wild lol. You don’t even need med brews or a Daedon when you have this guy for the most part. It can also soak turrets, then get out of line of sight and infinitely heal itself if you do it right.
I highly recommend netgunning this as it is a pain to knock out, takes many tranqs and is fast.
But overall incredibly good tame especially at high lvls
These things are soooo good
1. They can walk backwards which makes it so much easier to line them up against a wall or something in your base
2. They have a heat vision mode, which is super useful while in pvp and also if you are flying around in the redwoods
3. They can divebomb
4. They have two healing moves, one is if you are flying you can turn into an ice cube and pretty much be a health bomb for any of your dinos on the ground, also I could be wrong but I think it heals you and the owl as well.
The second healing move is pretty much the same but it’s for when you are standing on the ground, the owl will cover itself with its wings and then freeze and heal anything in the vicinity
Only problem for me is that they can’t pick things up.. but I still definitely recommend taming one
Sorry if I missed anything, but have a nice night/day!