ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Někdo by si mohl myslet že je k ničemu ale opak je pravdou !! Je velmi jednoduchý na ochočení, stačí ho vylákat z vody, trefit se mu několikrát do hlavy a být dost rychlý aby vás nezabil. Osobně ho mám radši než raptora, není tak rychlý a nedává tak rychle rány, je ale jednodušší na ochočení, ve vodě je velmi rychlý a na souši taky není úplně nejpomalejší. Dává docela solidní poškození, vydrží víc než raptor, má výbornou staminu a unese toho taky mnohem víc. Osobně mu dávám pět hvězdiček a doporučuji si nějakého ochočit.
More Sarco Everything Else Tips
I’m only level 4 and I just tamed a sarco 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
i tame a sarco in midium zone knock it out with traq arrow i named her piker the sarco she is level 10 and she is a beast she can kill a therizino
Thay eat alot alot better have rows of food
Dude some people say these things are for beginners but let me tell you, when you tame one of these and lvl up stamina, melee damage and movement speed these things are beasts in the water. A disadvantage is it needs a LOT of food if it is often used.
I never knew these guys liked fish meat more than normal meat
Just find one after I lost mine to a jellyfish rip tifany
A couple of days ago, I decided to breed my two sarcos (Bludgeon and Snap) and, and usual, got an egg. I continued with my daily chores and whatnot and came back to check on the egg, turns out I got triplets (whom I named Fang, Storm, and Wiggle!)
Just don't put him close water jellys and
Get spears, and circle around it while spearing
OK OK many people thinks it is a easy tame so they don't tame it but it is my favorite underwater mount because while riding it inside water if it's stamina gone zero no need to stop it while swimming at a also it will recover it's stamina I am not sure it happens in pc/console but this happens in mobile means you can say that this guy is having infinite stamina..