ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Soy el wey que dijo que la palabras finales siendo así podrás ser su dios pues bueno el come una cantidad estúpidamente alta de carne además se despierta rápidamente 😮💨
More Royal Griffin Everything Else Tips
Name changing ticket actually works
There is no Royal Griffin on Ark Ultimate Mobile Edition!!
Guys, can i ask that do they have griffin in single player mode?
Ok guys, so I got a really serious question. Can griffins with the -den surname spawn as females? I've been looking a long time for a female to breed with my male griffin but I only find male -den griffins. Vote vertical arrow if they can spawn as females please. I'm not asking for ups I just need an answer.
Is there a difference between normal griffins and royal ones? Someone pls explain. If you want pls up this if there is a difference
Who else thinks that there should be a saddle I’m not saying I don’t like that you can ride them without the saddle. It’s just I think it would be really helpful to have that armor. Also, I think it would look cool if it had a tech saddle.
This isnt a tip but i have a ascended longneck i found a level 450 he has over 80000k hp but im afraid i might kill him cuz ebery hit doe slike 400 or 300 sometimes even higher can yall give me some tips?????
Devs, can you rename "Royal Griffin" section to "Royal Griffin (Mobile)" and "Griffin" to "Griffin (PC/Console)". Some PC folks seem a bit testy about mobile folks getting in their space. Personally, I read both sections as there is a lot more the same than different. ty
So the griffin had to change his name?
They need to lower the time on these I want a high lev but it takes forever :/ plz make it faster.