ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

More Rex Utility Tips
When breeding two max level rexes to have a super baby, DON'T EAT THE EGG!!!! I've done this twice on accident(meaning to drop it) and each time it takes me a couple seconds to register wtf I just did and then I have to wait to mate again. Sad day. Weekend ruined. Great way to start off the new year! Lol
Rex baby consumes meat at about 1 meat per 50 seconds. Each meat gives about 50 food, with a food drain of 1 food point per second. So.. 1 meat = 50 seconds of feed. 1 stack of meat is 1000 seconds/16 min. A stack of meat takes 12hrs to full spoil. So.. on 1x, at 6% maturity, a baby rex can be left to fend its own till juvi... this is even with a 2 hr safeguard to be very safe. Honestly... 5% would work also. Hope these statistics help!
The reason rexes have a tek saddle is that rexes are famous. Same with megalodons and all the other things that have tek saddles. But really, let's be honest, almost nobody has tek saddles. You have to complete a hard dungeon to get a blueprint, or pay big bucks! At least those are the two ways i know of. Im on mobile btw. Really, argy's and spino's should get tek saddles, (you can find more info on argy tek saddle idea in argy, somebody left a tip about it, it has lots of likes so it's at the top too.) Because they're REALLY useful tames to have, in my opinion. I actully on two of each. Im going to put this tip in argy, spino and rex, so you will see it there. Please ^ if you want argy's and spino's to get tek saddles!
The T.Rex should be able to break stone. I don't see why it can damage only wood and thatch (The same as a carnotaurus) but a chalicotherium Wich is smaller and weaker can break stone ( I don't know if it's only from the throw attack which could make sense).Ūp vōte if agree so devs can see aswell