ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

More Raptor Utility Tips
Super usefully early, mid OR late game, and I'll tell you why.
Early game : to tame really just get a Bola and club also tranq arrows if there's a pack. For club do not aim foe the head, he will bite you, for tranq arrows aim for any part! Once knocked out kill a diplodocus nearby if there is. They do no damage and only push you, just make sure to kill when not near a cliff. Once killed feed it to the raptor/raptors and you got your self some raptors! Use normal meat if there's no diplos. They are super useful early game for gaurds/attackers everything! They have spammable left click attacks/tap attacks if mobile so just spam left click and you have a deadly combo. Right click attack is a pounce. It will pounce small dinosaurs and humans. Simply just right click and you'll do it! For mobile just swipe downwards on your left side of your phone. They also allow you access weapons on it so you can use raptors for taming other stuff. They are also pretty fast but they are slow in the water. Recommended upgrades to choose are melee, hp, weight, and stamina.
Mid game : once you have reached close to lvl 40 - 70 it's mid game! Mid game raptors are mainly used for hide and meat collectors also for defending bases. Not much to say for mid game they can handle t rexs and spinos pretty well in packs of 5 and up. Mid - high level raptors.
End game : End game raptors are usually part of mid game raptors but make sure when you reach 71 - 100 lvl tame lots of raptors for guards 10 - 20 can kill a mid lvl alpha Rex! High lvl raptors. Maybe some casauliitys but it's fine either tame or breed more raptors to have more raptors as replacements.
Extra stuff and pvp stuff : there are 2 types of alpha variants of raptors. One is high lvl raptor in its pack (highest lvl raptor in the pack) they have damage residences and melee buff. When tamed the highest lvled raptor has a special C move where it calls and then the other raptors respond with a call. The second alpha version is the Alpha raptor. Some times you see a buff on normal dinos that says (alpha boosted) that means a variety of alpha is near you. Alpha raptors in the case or the easiest alpha of the bunch. Beware that alpha raptors are not tame able and have lots of hp and damage. Most of the time a alpha looks red and whitish with a orange glow around it. If it has that it's a alpha. I also repeat that NOT ANY KIND OF ALPHA IS TAME ABLE. in pve raptors are normal like the above text but in pvp servers things buffer up with raptors. Mostly because raptors in pvp are much more use full. Especially in a tribe raptors are nothing to mess with in pvp beginning tribes or early game. Since they have a pounce attack, there fast, and pretty good melee. There are a must have for early, mid , maybe late game but late game is when you start to get stuff that's OP/over powered. Tags for raptors in pvp : Fast, good attack, late to mid game, casual.
Sorry for missing spells as I'm 10 and need to improve spelling. I also type fast. next tip will be in carno. Call me
Helpfull words. Ok? Ok? Name suggestion- Scar Scar (female) ravage (male)
Raptors are essentially better Dilos. Whe lacking the poisonous blinding spit of a Dilo, they have a much better DPS due to their speed. In groups of three or more they benefit from a pack boost, and in groups of at least four I notice they tend to take on bigger threats on the Ark (notably Sarcos and Kapros). Plus their pounce ability is not to be overlooked.
In short, tame Dilos for the early game, but Raptors as you move into mid game.
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk. Up so newbies can see :)
Breeding not-so-basics 101:
Incubation: surround the egg in a ring of torches (recommend standing) and light them wooden poles on fire, if it says too hot, turn off a torch. Too cold? Light one up. If it is just right, there should be no “Too Hot!” Or “Too Cold!” Sign and should say “Incubating (10:00:00)” or something like that and the teal blue bar should go down. But if the red bar is going down instead of the blue, check the egg conditions again. If the red bar reaches zero, it cracks and it disappears. But if it hatches correctly, y’a got a baby creature, hooray!
Imprinting: this one’s a doozie, so imma make it simple. Imprinting is a OPTIONAL a thing to do. “But why so many YouTubers like Syntac do it???” Shush, I was gonna get to that. Imprinting provides health and damage bonuses, being best i remember +50% or 1.5x stats. But how do you imprint? Oh it’s easy. Once you have a baby dino and NOT let it starve (it can’t eat until it’s a juvenile) sooner or later it wants care, coming from a cuddle, walk, cooked prime fish meat… EXTRAORDINARY KIBBLE?!? Yeah there’s a lot it can range from. And it varies per dino per imprint method per server settings, so if you have a giga you wanna imprint and the imprint times only like 10 seconds, each single imprint will make such a small dent it’s like trying to blow away the moon with your breath, it’s gonna take a bit, again. Depending on your settings
Age Stages: the shortest one of them all. So imma make this really wasteful of vertical space
Baby: 1/10 of max hp and weight i think
Juvenile: can start eating from troughs, i haven’t really cared much about baby stats so I’m just guessing 1/2 of max hp and weight
Adolescent: 3/4 Of max hp and weight, I think it can start attacking, idk what or how much it does compared to fully grown
Adult/mature: fully grown, 100% usage of health and weight bars. That’s basically it
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(I just wanted to make this road here cuz why not)
Thank you for reading!