ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

(You may not know).if you want to escape mosa you just need to thể surface of the water.mosa will ignore you be cause it is a creature living on the bottom of the sea.(this can only be applied when you not triggered its rage).good luck
More Mosasaurus Everything Else Tips
Wouldn't it be cool if studio wildcard were to make a new map that's entirely underwater with small air pockets around but you spawn at the ocean depth with new ocean tames
Wouldnt be cool if wildcard creates a map where is a very small island and a big sea with much underwater creatures up this if you think its cool
How do you go in game because I can’t go in the game
Is it just me or is my Mosa just swallowing STILL ALIVE SHARKS? I don't know if it's a glitch but I was sprinting towards a shark and it just swallowed it whole with no death notification on it? But yeah like imagine, ur just chillin eating fish and suddenly ur in a dark place with no escape slowly being DIGESTED by a huge marine reptile who used to be a monster lizard!
They should be able to come to the surface and eat land animals
Petition to have them breach so they snap up fliers and things on the surface.
The oceans of ark need more attention
Best aquatic mount. This creature literally is OP. Its stats are ALL of them insanely good. Insane health, weight, speed, stamina and melee. This things are worth taming.
I didn't wanted to tame a Mosa but, I found a 360lvl Mosa in brutal difficulty. Then I teamed it for fun and now it is around 500 somthing lvl has 50k hp. Everything is good but I don't know where to keep it can anyone tell me?
Am I the only one that thinks that a mosa TLC would be legendary? I think that the mosa should have some kind of fear roar like the yuty but only used when tamed and only works on aquatic or semi aquatics like the spino or sarco. I also think a leap would be nice similar to how great white sharks jump out of the water would look great coupled with a mid air grab attack for flyers or surface dwellers. And if any of this isn’t possible, at least a new, shiny and original re-design of its look as well as some satisfying and sexy new animations would be just as good