ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

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The Arks: Over Heaven
Chapter 16: Confrontation
Original Post Date: Jan 28, 2024
Note: Story starts in Wyvern, Aerial ABC backwards filter and has a Prologue. Last chapter in Onyc, next chapter in Manticore.
“Okay, so what’s the deal here? Are we just going to walk up and… scare them? I think that’d be funny,” Ben said.
“No. We’ll just walk up to them, say hello, and tell them where we’re going next,” Samuel replied. Aurora sighed, and began to walk up to the two, Neddy and Ruby. Samuel, Ben, Star, and Samuel’s Raptor followed closely behind.
“Hey! You two, we finally found you!” Aurora shouted. Neddy and Ruby’s heads jerked to the right, and for a second a wash of disappointment crossed Ruby’s face. An annoyed look flashed across Neddy’s face, and he got up and crossed his arms.
“Why did you and Samuel leave us to die to the orange-eyes?” Neddy asked with furrowed brows. Neddy’s eyes darted to his implant, which was humming ever-so-slightly. He looked up and saw Samuel and the others emerge from the treelines.
“And I see you’ve brought friends,” Neddy said. Samuel put his hand on Aurora’s shoulder, stepping forward with a dark look on his face.
“We didn’t mean to, Neddy. We both believed you had died, we had called out to Ruby so she could run away with us, but she refused to leave your side,” Samuel explained. Neddy let out a snort, rolling his eyes.
“Yeah. I figured about that much,” Neddy grumbled, “You’re lying, Samuel. You’d be the first to figure out if I died or not. Stop pulling words out of nowhere just to save yourself.”
Ben looked around the woods, a look of worry across his face.
“It’s nothing personal, Neddy,” Samuel rebuked, “Just trying to keep the rest of the team safe. We wanted to mitigate casualties. You couldn’t even recognize the dinosaurs with the orange eyes. Who knew what kind of a threat they’d pose?”
Neddy opened his mouth to speak, but then stopped.
“Good point…” Neddy said, “But it still doesn’t change the fact that you abandoned us, friends never abandon each other-”
“Who said we were friends?” Samuel asked.
“You heard me,” Samuel replied, “No one ever said we were friends. We are ALLIES. They are not the same thing. My only friend EVER is-”
Samuel paused, cutting his sentence off as soon as he could. Star looked at Samuel solemnly, and then back down at the ground in shame.
“Please, Neddy,” Ruby said, walking up to the group, “I don’t want any more quarrels. Aurora is… a good person, I know she is. She didn’t mean to, really. You already know my thoughts about this. Let’s just forgive them and figure out what to do next.”
Neddy sighed, and then nodded in affirmation.
“Fine. We forgive you,” Neddy said, glaring at Aurora, “But next time you pull something off like that, there’s going to be a problem… supposed leader.”
Aurora nodded, and Ben finally interrupted the group.
“Um. Are we done talking?” Ben asked with a grin, “I don’t know what happened between you guys, but, I’d prefer if we are all on the same side here.”
Neddy and Ruby looked at Ben confusingly.
“Hold on a moment, who are you?” Ruby asked. Then she looked at the raptor that towered behind Samuel, loyal and obedient to him.
“And why is that thing following you around as if it were your pet?” Neddy said with shock.
“I am Ben,” Ben explained, “And I’m a member of the Book Club. You see, one of our members discovered that the place we are on, this island, was the setting of a book that they had read. A novella, called… Well, I can’t remember the name at the moment, but it had ‘Tale’ in it, that’s all I’m sure of knowing.”
“What? A book?” Neddy said, intrigued.
“Yes. That’s correct. A lot of us didn’t believe it at first, but that person, she, she was the reason the Book Club was even able to survive,” Ben continued, “We put our faith in her. She said that if we were to survive, we needed to domesticate the beasts of this place. She taught us all how to do it.”
Ben looked at Samuel’s raptor, and pointed at it.
“This is exactly how we were able to domesticate this Raptor,” Ben said.
“Wait wait wait, so this is all based on a book?” Ruby said, “That’s, that’s ridiculous!”
“It sounds crazy, but it seems he’s telling the truth,” Neddy said. He looked up toward the skies with clenched fists, “I’m still wondering why it’d be based off one though.”
“We don’t have time to question the why,” Aurora finally said, “We just need to use this information to survive. Samuel thought it’d be a good idea if we go check out this Book Club.”
“But I thought we were staying away from people?” Ruby asked confusingly.
“Change of plans, that’s all,” Samuel said, “Besides, Ben here says the Book Club wants more people on our side. They won’t hurt us.”
“Yes. Rest assured we won’t harm you, we will teach you the ways of this Island and we will be safe for the time being,” Ben replied. He pointed in the direction of the green Obelisk.
“We come from there. Our camp is set up at a river where there’s little threat. It’s a long way away, but I am sure that we can make it there in at least a day or two if we are vigilant,” Ben decided, “But before we can do that, who’s opening the beacon up?”
Neddy looked at the beacon, and then back at Ben.
“Wait, what do you mean by opening it up?”
“Think of it like a loot crate in a game,” Ben reasoned, “Even though they weren’t mentioned in the book she read, they had to be here for a reason, right? One of us touched it and before they knew it they learned how to build small thatch huts. I found one myself and was able to collect a few stone tools.”
Ruby walked up to the beacon, staring at it in awe.
“You guys mind if I take a swing with this one?” Ruby requested.
“Of course, go ahead,” Neddy said. Aurora nodded, and Samuel didn’t really seem to care.
Ruby touched the beacon, and soon she began to glow green. Everyone gasped, and as the beacon disintegrated before their very eyes, a metal crossbow manifested in Ruby’s hands. Ruby looked down at her new weapon, running her fingers along the metal frame and the neatly strung string.
“Woah… That was cool,” Ruby said.
“Just like a game,” Neddy muttered in realization.
Ben let out a groan of relief as he began to stretch his body. Samuel looked down Ben’s back, and his eyes widened at what he saw.
“Vines,” Samuel thought. He looked up at the forest, and saw the weird red haze again… He blinked his eyes, and it disappeared.
“Okay, are we ready to go?” Samuel asked. Ruby and Neddy nodded in agreement.
“Yes. No more time to waste,” Ruby said as she nocked an arrow into the crossbow. She pulled the string back, and Ben began to skip forward.
“Alright, let’s go now! I’ll lead the way!” Ben said. The others began to follow Ben, prepared to go to the Book Club’s camp.
But as they did, Samuel couldn’t help but wonder. He stared at Star, who was walking along in a jolly manner.
“I never tamed you, Star,” Samuel thought as he stared at her, “And, you have that same glow like an implant.”
Samuel squinted his eyes at the brown feathers then ran down Star’s neck.
“What are you, Star?”
The Arks: Over Heaven (by Ben)
Chapter 16: Confrontation
Part 1/2
“Okay, so what’s the deal here? Are we just going to walk up and… scare them? I think that’d be funny,” Ben said.
“No. We’ll just walk up to them, say hello, and tell them where we’re going next,” Samuel replied. Aurora sighed, and began to walk up to the two, Neddy and Ruby. Samuel, Ben, Star, and Samuel’s Raptor followed closely behind.
“Hey! You two, we finally found you!” Aurora shouted. Neddy and Ruby’s heads jerked to the right, and for a second a wash of disappointment crossed Ruby’s face. An annoyed look flashed across Neddy’s face, and he got up and crossed his arms.
“Why did you and Samuel leave us to die to the orange-eyes?” Neddy asked with furrowed brows. Neddy’s eyes darted to his implant, which was humming ever-so-slightly. He looked up and saw Samuel and the others emerge from the treelines.
“And I see you’ve brought friends,” Neddy said. Samuel put her hand on Aurora’s shoulder, stepping forward with a dark look on his face.
“We didn’t mean to, Neddy. We both believed you had died, we had called out to Ruby so she could run away with us, but she refused to leave your side,” Samuel explained. Neddy let out a snort, rolling his eyes.
“Yeah. I figured about that much,” Neddy grumbled, “You’re lying, Samuel. You’d be the first to figure out if I died or not. Stop pulling words out of nowhere just to save yourself.”
Ben looked around the woods, a look of worry across his face.
“It’s nothing personal, Neddy,” Samuel rebuked, “Just trying to keep the rest of the team safe. We wanted to mitigate casualties. You couldn’t even recognize the dinosaurs with the orange eyes. Who knew what kind of a threat they’d pose?”
Neddy opened his mouth to speak, but then stopped.
“Good point…” Neddy said, “But it still doesn’t change the fact that you abandoned us, friends never abandon each other-”
“Who said we were friends?” Samuel asked.
“You heard me,” Samuel replied, “No one ever said we were friends. We are ALLIES. They are not the same thing. My only friend EVER is-”
Samuel paused, cutting his sentence off as soon as he could. Star looked at Samuel solemnly, and then back down at the ground in shame.
“Please, Neddy,” Ruby said, walking up to the group, “I don’t want any more quarrels. Aurora is… a good person, I know she is. She didn’t mean to, really. You already know my thoughts about this. Let’s just forgive them and figure out what to do next.”
Neddy sighed, and then nodded in affirmation.
“Fine. We forgive you,” Neddy said, glaring at Aurora, “But next time you pull something off like that, there’s going to be a problem… supposed leader.”
Aurora nodded, and Ben finally interrupted the group.
“Um. Are we done talking?” Ben asked with a grin, “I don’t know what happened between you guys, but, I’d prefer if we are all on the same side here.”
Neddy and Ruby looked at Ben confusingly.
“Hold on a moment, who are you?” Ruby asked. Then she looked at the raptor that towered behind Samuel, loyal and obedient to him.
“And why is that thing following you around as if it were your pet?” Neddy said with shock.
“I am Ben,” Ben explained, “And I’m a member of the Book Club. You see, one of our members discovered that the place we are on, this island, was the setting of a book that they had read. A novella, called… Well, I can’t remember the name at the moment, but it had ‘Tale’ in it, that’s all I’m sure of knowing.”
“What? A book?” Neddy said, intrigued.
Yes, technically they're not tamable, but in a way, they are. Those weird things you put on your back that make you jump really far? They look A LOT like a meganeura! I know, it's weird. Maybe in ark lore, once upon a time, the overseer made them tamable. But, once humans got too much out of them, or they weren't useful enough, the overseer made them untamable. But, a couple tamed ones stayed around, and retreated to the dungeons. (This is a combo of ark mobile and regular ark lore btw.) Now, players can find them in the ark store and dungeons. Please ^ if you think this is good ark lore!
Riddles of the Phoenixes series
Through the eyes of the Dark phoenixes.
Chapter twenty two: A short trip out of the castle.
Cyra and Jack sat in the library, per the usual. Jack didn’t really stutter a lot when he was with Cyra. Cyra tried focusing on her book but she couldn’t. She was so tired of being stuck in the house. “I’m bored. Aren’t you?” Cyra asked Jack. No answer. She hadn’t looked up from her book yet. “Jack?” Still no answer. Cyra looked up and was startled to see Jack snoring with his head pressed against a open book. Apparently “How to kill a ARK boss” was a very boring book. “Jack!” Cyra yelled. Jack sat up. “Huh? What? I’m awake, I’m awake. What were you saying?” Jack blurted out. Cyra sighed. “What I was saying was that it’s boring around here. We need to do something!” Cyra exclaimed. Jack shrugged. “I-I don’t know. Th-this book is a pretty nice pillow.” Jack replied. Cyra scowled at him. Jack gulped and looked away, running his hands through his hair. “Hey I have a idea! Let’s sneak out the castle!” Cyra exclaimed. Jack furrowed his eyebrows. “I d-don’t know…” He began but Cyra interrupted him. “Oh come on scaredy-cat! It’ll be fun!”
“What if we get c-c-c-caught?”
“Oh don’t worry. I’ve done this multiple times in the past. No one will notice. Well, Cyrus might but he won’t tattle. He’s just a old coot.” Cyra said. “All rig-” Jack started to say but Cyra grabbed his arm and sped off with him in tow.
They stopped in the forest. Jack looked around and breathed in the fresh outdoors air. The sun’s warm rays shone down on them, the flowers poked their shy little heads from the grass, the brook gurgled happily nearby and the trees swayed gently in the wind. He’d been stuck in that castle for so long. Cyra inhaled deeply, her eyes lighting up with a sense of adventure. She turned and looked at him. She shocked him by grabbing his hand boldly and they raced through the forest into a meadow filled with pink and red flowers. Animals grazed all around. Triceratops, Stegosaurs, Paurasaurs and more. They stopped in the middle of it. Cyra released his hand and turned to Jack with a mischievous look in her eye. “Catch me if you can…scaredy-cat.” She said. Then she ran off. Jack ran after her. Even though she was using her super speed she was still pretty fast. And plus there was dinos wandering about the meadow, eating flowers. They raced through the flowers, Cyra’s laugh echoing through the fields. Eventually Jack caught up to her and slammed into her gently, knocking them both to the ground. They stared at each other for a minute and then burst out laughing. Then they stood up and started all over again. It was one of the best times in Jack’s life. For once in a long time Jack forgot Jay’s blaming him and he forgot Cyrus’ warning. They ran through the meadow, they ran through the forest, they dipped their feet in the brook and splashed each other, they climbed the apple trees in the forest, they attempted to ride the wild equus’, and so much more. Finally the stopped in the meadow again, breathing hard. “That was fun.” Jack said without stuttering. Cyra beamed at him. “Yeah, yeah it was.” She replied. Her long dark blonde hair swirled around her face gently. Jack’s heart thumped loudly. Suddenly Cyra and Jack’s faces were moving closer and closer until they were inches apart. Their lips were suddenly touching gently and Jack felt her hands wrap around the back of his head. And then she broke away, breathing heavily. She grinned at him shyly. “I guess we should head back to the castle.” Cyra remarked. Jack nodded, still in shock. Cyra grabbed his hand and they sped off.
They were at the castle library in under five seconds. Cyra released Jack’s arm. “See? I told you that we wouldn’t get caught.” Cyra told Jack. Someone cleared their throat behind them. They turned to see William, Nora, and Cyrus.
The Arks: Over Heaven (by Ben)
Chapter 16: Confrontation
Part 2/2
“Yes. That’s correct. A lot of us didn’t believe it at first, but that person, she, she was the reason the Book Club was even able to survive,” Ben continued, “We put our faith in her. She said that if we were to survive, we needed to domesticate the beasts of this place. She taught us all how to do it.”
Ben looked at Samuel’s raptor, and pointed at it.
“This is exactly how we were able to domesticate this Raptor,” Ben said.
“Wait wait wait, so this is all based on a book?” Ruby said, “That’s, that’s ridiculous!”
“It sounds crazy, but it seems he’s telling the truth,” Neddy said. He looked up toward the skies with clenched fists, “I’m still wondering why it’d be based off one though.”
“We don’t have time to question the why,” Aurora finally said, “We just need to use this information to survive. Samuel thought it’d be a good idea if we go check out this Book Club.”
“But I thought we were staying away from people?” Ruby asked confusingly.
“Change of plans, that’s all,” Samuel said, “Besides, Ben here says the Book Club wants more people on our side. They won’t hurt us.”
“Yes. Rest assured we won’t harm you, we will teach you the ways of this Island and we will be safe for the time being,” Ben replied. He pointed in the direction of the green Obelisk.
“We come from there. Our camp is set up at a river where there’s little threat. It’s a long way away, but I am sure that we can make it there in at least a day or two if we are vigilant,” Ben decided, “But before we can do that, who’s opening the beacon up?”
Neddy looked at the beacon, and then back at Ben.
“Wait, what do you mean by opening it up?”
“Think of it like a loot crate in a game,” Ben reasoned, “Even though they weren’t mentioned in the book she read, they had to be here for a reason, right? One of us touched it and before they knew it they learned how to build small thatch huts. I found one myself and was able to collect a few stone tools.”
Ruby walked up to the beacon, staring at it in awe.
“You guys mind if I take a swing with this one?” Ruby requested.
“Of course, go ahead,” Neddy said. Aurora nodded, and Samuel didn’t really seem to care.
Ruby touched the beacon, and soon she began to glow green. Everyone gasped, and as the beacon disintegrated before their very eyes, a metal crossbow manifested in Ruby’s hands. Ruby looked down at her new weapon, running her fingers along the metal frame and the neatly strung string.
“Woah… That was cool,” Ruby said.
“Just like a game,” Neddy muttered in realization.
Ben let out a groan of relief as he began to stretch his body. Samuel looked down Ben’s back, and his eyes widened at what he saw.
“Vines,” Samuel thought. He looked up at the forest, and saw the weird red haze again… He blinked his eyes, and it disappeared.
“Okay, are we ready to go?” Samuel asked. Ruby and Neddy nodded in agreement.
“Yes. No more time to waste,” Ruby said as she nocked an arrow into the crossbow. She pulled the string back, and Ben began to skip forward.
“Alright, let’s go now! I’ll lead the way!” Ben said. The others began to follow Ben, prepared to go to the Book Club’s camp.
But as they did, Samuel couldn’t help but wonder. He stared at Star, who was walking along in a jolly manner.
“I never tamed you, Star,” Samuel thought as he stared at her, “And, you have that same glow like an implant.”
Samuel squinted his eyes at the brown feathers than ran down Star’s neck.
“What are you, Star?”