ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Les daré los mejores consejos que se y es para tamearlos lleven un balm así no desgastan tiempo porque no le sube mucho el tameo antes de tamearlos vayan a la cueva del masivo dónde está todo lava si tienen miedo a esa cueva por qué se les puede morir el dino con en que van o ustedes solo pónganse en una roca y salten desde ahí corriendo lo pasarán y tomen el artefacto si quieren pueden matarse si están en modo casual si no intenten saltar como les dije antes luego vayan a hacer el tributo después de eso les dará una ballesta ascendente vayan a la cueva del centro osea la que está arriba del redwood en el mapa luego exploren la cueva hasta encontrar al megalo luego intenten matar titanoboas para conseguir carne prime lo duermen y le dan en balm luego le dan la carne prime y se tameara súper rápido luego llevenselo de la cueva y tendrán a su megalo listo se que es demasiado texto pero si siguen todo esto lo domaran muy rápido
More Megalosaurus Taming & KO Tips
If you play abberation tame on. Due to it always being half day, half night it gains it's night buff all the time. This making it sooo much better than it usually is.
Now you dont lose the taming progress when they wake Up!!! Devs fixed that. You can re-knock em down again with no loss of effectiveness or taming progress! Dec 2021
I went to the central cave and knocked out a level 300 female megalo, but it went into the water before unconsious and then died there due to oxygen. Now I have it's implant of level 300. Should I revive it with the cost of 31 Amber's? Is it any worth to invest that much of ambers for it? If yes then up and if no then down.
Don't put kibble on until it's fully starved! It will wake up when it transitions to night (20:30) and you'll lose your kibble.
Do people even tame these dinos anymore. They are amazing but don't get the recognition they deserve.
Make this more popular if you want the megalosaurus to be noticed more.
If u don’t let them sleep then their torpor will increase and will fall unconscious hope you found this helpful
Tame the mega during the day! It is extremly slower during the day due to wanting a rest. It is a very strong dino, it has been tested to be even stronger than the allo! Be careful if you tame it at night ;) caw
People say that is easy taming on day rather than night, but thats not truth because they always wake up, no matter how much torpor they have at 20:30 in game, that will cause you to lose all your taming process, I always tame these guys by starving them 2 times and then the 3rd knockout I put the food on its inventory, thanks for reading
yo i guess on old ark mobile he aint wake up until hes tamed so no more double knocking out needed on mobile i hope
On the Center, I have normally found that they often spawn at the enterance of the cave by the pond at around 56 lon, 62 lat. Updoot so others can see!