ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion
Tips & Strategies
Selon moi la meilleure façon de récupérer des œufs est d’aller dans la cave avec seulement une arbalète et des grappins courir en évitant les nombreux mob de la grotte pour ensuite se suspendre à un rocher et descendre jusqu’à arriver dans un nid SANS Magmasaur directement à l’intérieur puis voler l’œuf et remonter passer le quart de la hauteur de la grotte vous ne craindrez plus les Magmasaur surveillants les nids car ces derniers ne peuvent tirer au dessus d’eux cependant rester vigilant car certain en haut de la caverne peuvent vous atteindre. Dernier conseil comme le dit si bien le wiki sur gamepedia il fortement conseillé d’en mener que ce que vous êtes prêt à perdre c’est pour ça que ma méthode bien que plus compliqué d’exécution que d’autres n’utilise que une arbalète et des grappin enfin si vous êtes sur un serv qui autorise l’utilisation de la combinaison tek cela reste la méthode la plus simple et la plus sûr pour voler des œufs bon courage.
More Magmasaur Taming & KO Tips
To breed them without lava enable mating and continuously hit them with wyvern fire
Latest patched! Now you can raise Magmasaur baby with sulfur!
Pegos are so dumb. Took my crypod with my baby 150 magmasaur and then jumped into the wyvern trench and died 😭
I feel like these guys should be on scorched earth, it would make sense, up of you agree
When it comes 50% age, will eat 0.1 food in sec. That mean 360 food for hour. 4000 Food enough to leave overnight. I hope I helped you^^
I’ve found the eggs. The eggs are located inside the volcano in an amethyst cave. There are lava pools with groups of magmasaurs in them. There are small islands with craters in them, within those craters the eggs are nestled within. But be careful there are lots of magmasaurs, magma, and what look like varient rock elementals.
On fjordur is you go into the cave at the end of the fire wyvern trench and fly to the nests steal one egg then lead the rest of the magmas under the bridge in that area lead them against the right wall going in with the spikes when there all in there enjoy getting all the other eggs in that area I got lots of eggs doing this
Easiest thing to do is to spawn at the East zone and go to the Egg-Straction mission. Then, take the first left in the cave and you should end up by the nest. A good strategy is to wait until there aren’t any magmasaurs by an egg, then ask HLNA to teleport away, and right before you teleport, grab the egg.
On the Fjordur map, Hazmat fully cancels out the heat from the cave, be sure to let people like you know!
Babies eat ambergris strictly. Can be found in lunar biome from the luminescent rocks