ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

It’s a magical leoplurodon Charlie!
Alright forced joke over, don’t listen to these clowns these give a buff that severely boosts your drops loot and makes you not need scuba they have their place and they’re ment to be temporary tames it’s just an older Dino so it’s not that crazy compared to dlcs
More Liopleurodon Utility Tips
What they do is they improve the effectiveness of underwater drops (ONLY) for example befor taming this Dino youl get for example a primitive rocket launcher after taming youl get a astended rocket launcher and this buff last a quite a bit but the Dino despawns after 30 minutes and keep in mind he is one of the rarest creatures in the game so tame only when your in late game and being escourted my a mosa or somthing cause these guys are about as strong as my pinkey toe and they need giant bee honey to tame wich you need to find a active nest of bees break it down kill all the workers and tame the bee with kibb (THE QUEEN GIANT BEE IS THE ONLY WAS TO GET THE REQUIRED HONEY FOR THIS TAME)also keep in mind these bees are hella rare but not nearly as rare as the lioplerodon then when you have the lioplerodon you don’t wait any time sit on it and go get EVERY UNDER WATER DROP YOU CAN cause again these guys ugh expire after 30 minutes
Yes, it will disappear in 30 minutes. The point of taming is for the loot buff. When you tame you get a loot buff for 6 hours DO NOT FAST TRAVEL or you lose the buff. Go to let's say the swamp cave, have a tribe mate check the loot box, if it's garbage have the mate with the buff get close enough to change the loot from the lio buff. This is how you use this dino
Doesn’t seem to be clear on Dododex but the lio is quite useful if you’re looking to farm blueprints or other higher quality loot. The tame lasts 30 minutes, yes, but the status effect to boost your loot lasts SIX HOURS. It’s very rare but if you find and successfully tame it you have six hours to do some extreme looting. It spawns pretty much anywhere in the ocean on every map and only one at a time. From my experience taming them on Ragnarok the loot boost affected anything and everything. I received boosted loot from regular air drops, deep sea drops, desert drops, and cave/dungeon drops. I have yet to test it on other maps but it’s safe to assume the boost is simply universal. KEEP IN MIND, after taming one if you travel to another server you will lose the loot boost. You must tame it on the map you’re intending to farm.