ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

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More Ichthyosaurus Everything Else Tips
Petition for this creature to have the ability to jumó out of the water
For how easy they are to tame they do a pretty good amount of damage for there size. they are also fast and a passive tame
Who else thinks sharks should be scared of it like how dolphins kill sharks in real like?
It’s spelled Ichthyosaurus. Right? “Ichthy” Right?
Yes it is.
So why, I ask you, why do you people keep calling it an ITCHY!?
Does it irritate your skin or wut?
These are one of the cutest things in ark. I love how they wanna hug
Things we did as noobs ( funny )
1. Trying to knockout tame ichyosaurus.
2. Feeding it tintoberries, mejoberries, amarberries, azulberries, other berries
3. Thinking megalodons will kill it.
I dont understand why do megs and mantas keep attacking me even if im riding it?
Can somebody please help me to know why
Not in the marked place, i cant find it help
Why are people calling them “ickys”?
It’s pronounced IchTHiosaurus
The devs should add a fish tank for transport