ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Perso je l’ai pas tamer c est un pote en multi qui m’a offert un œuf c est très dur de garder l’œuf en vie il faut prévoir bcp de bois et aumoin 7 torche avc minimum chacune 1000 de carburant car il dois être non stop au chaud pendant 10 h sans arrêt c chiant long mais c pas fini après faut pendant le temps où il incube prévoir bcp de viande aumoin 1000 car il mange bcp et la viande pourrit ne faite pas mon erreur de le faire la nuit car c un strees avoir sa dans la tête dans ton sommeil ducoup et faire attention à mettre un minuteur aumoin 5 min avant éclosion pour pouvoir lui donner à manger dès qu’il éclos sinon c mort et surtout la viande dois être restaurée en continue et il dois être contrôler aumoin une fois tout les deux heure il prend 12 jours pour être adulte faut de la patience ducoup pas trop ce fatigué si il est bas lvl sa en vaut pas la peine celui que on m’a donner est lvl 450 sa en vaut le coup faire attention les mangeoires marche sur lui seulement à partir de 50% de maturité en attendant toujours surveiller et dites vous qu’il en vaut la peine seulement à partir du nvx 200 sinon au dessus vous fatiguer pas j’espère que je vous aurais aider à vous occuper d’un œuf de giga c long dur stressant mais sa en vaut la peine si il est haut niveau bye
More Giganotosaurus Taming & KO Tips
The things you need to tame a giga:-
1)Flyer (recommending an argy).
2)4-5 dinosaur metal gateways.
3)1-2 large bear traps.
4)10x soothing balm if your playing on mobile.
5)Your KO weapon (most recommended are ascendant longneck rifle or ascendant crossbow).
6)Your KO ammo (bring a decent amount).
7)Taming food of your choice (most recommended is raw prime meat or kibble if you can).
8)Decent amount of narcotics or bio toxin.
FIND GIGA: gigas usually spawn at mountains. On the island try looking around the volcano or the two mountains in the snow area.
SET YOUR TRAP: take 3 of your metal gateways and make this shape \_/ then put a large bear trap or 2 in the middle. It’s easier if you build the trap on flat ground.
TRAP THE GIGA: get the giga to follow you and make it go inside the trap, then make sure it’s caught in the bear trap. When it’s stuck in the bear trap go behind it and complete the trap with another gateway. The final shape of the trap looks like a Trapezoidal.
KO THE GIGA: even a low level giga has a lot of torpor and it drops fast so keep shooting no matter what. It’s recommended for a tribe-mate to help you.
START FEEDING: put the food in the giga’s inventory and keep an eye on it’s torpor.
I hope this was helpful 😊
I was looking to metal to make a saddle then I said to my brother “i am going to tame a giga” as a joke. Not even 10 seconds later a level 55 giga came into view. KEEP IN MIND WE ARE ONLY LEVEL 40!! We are gonna tame it tomorrow with arrows since we don’t have tranq darts😂 wish us luck!
Many a tribe have been foolish enough to think they could fight a wild giga with a tamed and ended up with a dead giga. Don't be them.
Make 4 metal dino gates and 1 large bear trap. Place three frames and door into an incomplete square and the large bear trap in the I between them. Lure the Giga into the trap and while its trapped place 4th down to make the square. Then just light it up with tranqs
I 100% recommend charging straight on a Giga with a wooden club, you won’t regret it.
Just lure into a metal gate set ups some plant Xs and it will knock out you welcome
f for my argy
These gigachads spawn near the mountains. On Survival Evolved, if you lure them near big stone mountains they get stuck in between large rocks. Use this to your advantage.
- Gacha Chad
It takes about 5000 stone and 125 slingshots to knock one out
Anyone up to the challenge vote u
For level 150, the dododex said 100% chance of death with pachy primary attack... its actually not talking about the giga
Its the pachy....