ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

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More Giganotosaurus Stories Tips
I remember I wanted to find one of these guys and I did. It was at a beach right close to the mountains, which isn’t really where it is found usually but I was too joyful. to really care at the time I wasn’t a high enough level in the game, so that’s why I couldn’t tame it and so I just took a picture of it and because I couldn’t tame it I just let it kill me
I just had one of the most TERRIFYING ark moments of my life. so, on The Island, I took my argy and flew to the tundra to pick out a second base spot, I was looking around the mountain and saw a giga below me, I got my telescope and kinda circled over it and looked at it for a bit, then suddenly I realized my argy was flying down... it ran out of stamina and at that moment I was like: “sh_t were gonna fricking die.” I legit thought me and my precious argy were going to die because it crossed RIGHT BELOW US as we were going down and we TOUCHED. IT. once we landed I kinda stood there waiting for the stamina bar to go up and I must have been blessed or something because I got the hell out of there the moment I could see the stamina going up. The giga didn’t notice me, it was busy killing mammoths. THANK GOD. I’m still shaking... I got close enough that I could see the Dododex button.
I died My griffin right next to giga. My stone structures next to giga. Giga’s Brain: I rather eat stone than griffin. I get my stuff that’s right near giga. Back away. Tamed it while eating stone. SUCCESS. Now I have a lvl 170 giga that murders everything and my griffin still alive. Thanks to gigas Favoring stone over food
A level 28 giga spawned close to where I lived and I was really worried it would have destroyed all my games and everything I build. So like an idiot I took my quetzal, grappled it and drained 1000 bullets from my assault rifle into the giga only to take away half its health. But if you hurt it bad and it can’t reach you it will eventually run. Try to drive it out to sea and make sure it’s focused on you. It won’t realize that it’s health is being drained by megs and like that your house and tames are safe.