ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies
Creatures of Nightmares
Chapter 36
The wolf wanted a break.
The Power of the Beyond allowed it to.
It wandered the snow capped mountains and the ice caves and all of that.
“Hey Prince, I got food,” Astra dragged a couple sabertooth salmon and set them down. “Prince?!?”
He was laying on his side, closing his eyes in pain. Blood splattered the floor.
She rushed to his side, making ice to put on his head and cool him down.
“Hurry up, Ridley,” she muttered.
They swam for a while, but couldn’t find anything.
“How are we going to help Prince?” Pax asked as they resurfaced for air.
“Not sure, but-“
Ridley was pulled under and so were the others.
They were pulled through a small to where creatures and Jane were.
“Diplos,” Ridley said, bubbles rising from his mouth.
They swam around him with cute sounds.
They gave them oxygen and gestured to their mouths.
Ridley opened his. “Hello?”
He could talk underwater.
“Took you long enough,” Jane said. A baby Diplo swam to her. She pet it gently. “You all were moving everywhere so that the diplos couldn’t find you.”
The diplos swarmed around them. One particular orange one spoke. “Need weed.”
“She doesn’t speak fluent wolf.” Jane said.
The wolf wandered and wandered, coming across many places he remembered.
Then it came to one.
Where its younger self had come to an end.
Where.. its younger self had died.
The wolf shook its head and continued on.
“Grab one on of the diplos.” Jane said, holding onto the orange one.
Ridley, Reign, and Pax each did and the diplos jolted out of the hole up into the swamp. They were pulled to a small area with a seaweed like substance.
“Weed,” said the orange Diplo.
Ridley pulled on it hard, putting his foot on a tree to help, but it would not budge. “Yep. That’s the one.”
The orange Diplo gingerly bit it and pulled it off. She handed it to Jane.
Jane held back onto the Diplo.
“What are ye doin’?” Reign asked.
“They will help us to the tundra. They can outrun Megs.”
For a couple hours, the diplos swam and swam, avoiding sea creatures. “Whoohooo!!!” Jane cried at the open ocean, holding with one hand onto the Diplo.
Ridley, Pax, and Reign were all cheering happily too.
It had been a while now. Prince’s blood was on the floor everywhere still.
But then, Astra heard a sound.
“We’re here!”
Ridley, Pax, Reign, and Jane ran to her. Jane crouched on the ground, feeding Prince the weed.
A few seconds passed. “Is it working?” Astra asked. Ridley used this time to change them into wolves. So did Jane.
His gaze went to her. Her blue white fur glimmered. His cheeks blushed as she noticed.
Prince’s wound slowly healed. The blood sank through the floor, disappearing. Prince stood up and stretched. “Hello, my friends.”
They all cheered and crowded him and hugged him.
After a while, they all sat around.
“I’ll be back,” Astra said as she whirled around to leave for a bit.
The wolf was walking around until it saw a large mound of snow.
It lifted its paw to brush around the snow, wondering if there was a bush.
It was cold, hard ice.
The wolf peered at it and saw many words. But what caught his eyes were the first ones.
‘Here lies Apollo,’
His heart beat wildly in fear. He brushed off snow to read the rest of the message. (Using he is not a mistake I made. U now know it’s a boy.)
A wolf walked toward him and was confused. “Hello?” She said. Astra.
He turned to look at her, then looked away.
“What are you doing here? Who are you?” She lifted a paw to flip his hood off of his head.
He dodged her paw and turned to run.
“Wait! Why are you here?! How would you know him?!” Astra followed.
She fumbled and stepped on his cloak. The wolf was pulled back as it unclasped from his neck.
“Have you found them?” A man said, appearing to KJ.
“No,” he said.
“Perhaps you need to help?”
The man vanished.
“I could not rely on a human to locate a few measly wolves?” A cunning female voice said. KJ turned to see Adira.
“Hello,” he said.
“You don’t bow?” She waved a paw as he was brought to one knee. “That is better.”
Her eyes glimmered. “Trusting humans was a bad idea. Fail once more, and your race will be gone.” She vanished too.
“What have I gotten myself into?” KJ muttered.
Astra and the wolf had reached the group after walking for a while.
“Astra?” Jane asked.
“The wolf I saw..” Ridley muttered.
The wolf unclasped his cloak and let it fall to the ground.
He looked away as the group gasped.
Prince was confused. “Apollo?”
so do trike eggs not count to this???
Creatures of Nightmares
Chapter 35
Prince was half distraught, half.. relieved.
He liked Astra, but it seemed they weren’t meant to be. It seemed to give him closure. After all, now he wouldn’t be chasing down Astra’s heart.
Hers belonged to Apollo.
But he was gone.
If Prince could be the “brother” of Astra then he would. They had never really had any romantic moments, even. Just playing around.
-I guess we’ve mainly been like siblings..- he thought.
The wolf had transported the humans back to the base and they had no recollection of the incident.
So it had some power.
It watched the humans scattered around their base.
And then its mind went to its memories.
The heart wrenching ones. The sweet ones. The ones he would always remember.
Then there was one memory.
One that always played in its mind, scaring him, but calming him.
It shook its head and focused on the humans, its hooded cloak hiding him in the shadows.
The wolf wondered whether it would ever see the wolves from its memories.
That would be nice.
“We need to find Jane,” Ridley said.
Pax and Reign nodded.
“She had been pulled under the water. We should probably be her size.” He immediately made them humans.
“Again with this? I ain’t loving meh thumbs..” Reign yelped.
“Let’s swim in the water.” Ridley fell back into the water, splashing the other two. They followed him as he swam, using the tree roots as a boost.
A sarco swam in the water near them. They hid behind tree roots as it passed. Ridley led again.
He was looking for some kind of hole, something a size Jane could fit in. Ridley suspected a Diplocaulus had taken her. Of course it would’ve. It would’ve known she was a wolf.
They were smart creatures.
lol I see this and it is so short but I gtg
They spawn on extinction. Click that arrow to the sky so the devs can show it in maps.
I dare you to raise one!! They are savage if you got two high lvl parents (about lvl 140ish) and you get imprinting on it. The thing will become an adult with about 230% melee and basically one chomp any bronto!!! But on the down side you loose your job and your girlfriend
When this chicken was a wee little chick it liked to tickle its fellows. In fact it liked to do this so much it grew claws to be able to tickle better. Then one day it accidentally cut one of its friends throats and is now in such deep depression for the rest of its miserable life it kills everything it sees just to focus on something else.
Creatures of Nightmares
Chapter 34
The wolf clung to the wyvern’s tail, thinking of all it had been through. It used to confuse the wolf, but now he understood.
A tan wolf appeared to the soon-to-be-wolf-with-a-cloak.
“Hello,” the tan wolf said.
He curled his tail to reveal a younger version of the wolf.
“That’s.. me?” The wolf asked.
“Young you,” the tan wolf said. “It’s quite confusing, but I’ve meddled with time before. You will go to the future. You will never have any memory of being pulled into the future, which one would expect if young you experienced that. But you will have the memories the young you had once you go to the future.”
The wolf was still confused.
“Do not worry. You don’t have to understand. All you have to do is come with me. You’ll see.”
The wolf set its paw on the tan one’s and they travelled to the future.
“Ack!” The wolf said as memories flooded its mind. Heart wrenching, and sweet, and terrible, and beautiful memories. It half collapsed on the floor.
The tan wolf lifted it up and looked it in the eyes.
“Do not worry, for you are with me. I shall protect you, and in return, you shall protect others.”
The tan wolf pulled out a cloak for the wolf. It put the cloak on.
“Goodbye now,” the tan wolf said. “I will communicate with your mind.” He then paused. “And be patient. I know you remember the wolf from young you’s memories. You will meet that wolf. In time.”
-Young me had taken my place- it thought. -but we are like two different wolves, because I have no memory of being young and led by the tan wolf. We are the same but different.- (lol do u readers understand? It is a bit odd)
The wolf’s cloak billowed in the wind.
Prince wasn’t exactly healing, but was able to fight off the pain and walk around.
Astra looked at his handsome face.
She then looked away.
She had to do this. She knew she had to.
“Prince..” she began to speak. He turned and looked at her as they were walking. “I.. I love you..”
Ridley trudged on with the other three. Pax had found them and joined.
“Here we are,” he said, as his paws sank in mud. Jane jumped on his back. “Hey,” he snapped.
“What? I’m not getting my boots dirty..”
They walked through the swamp. “We just have to find a diplocaulus and ask them to get the weed.”
“A Diplo?” Reign asked. “Why would we need that creature? ‘R they something special? Are they the only ones ‘o can get it?”
“Yep,” Ridley said, with a soft sigh. The cold mud felt good between his paws.
A creature soared at them and ripped Jane off Ridley’s back.
Ridley turned around, clawing the Kaprosuchus. It hissed but Ridley killed it in mere seconds, turning to Jane.
She frowned with a deep scratch in her left arm and mud all over her soaked clothes. “Fun times, guys. That was a great experience.” She said sarcastically as she stood up and hopped back on Ridley.
He huffed but softly smiled as they continued looking for a Diplo.
Prince’s eyes gleamed.
Astra looked away.
He was confused.
As a friend.”
He gulped nervously as she continued.
“I’ve thought about this. You.. you feel more like a brother to me than a lover. You’ve been there for me.. but.. no one can beat Apollo..”
“..I understand.”
She sighed and looked down. “If only he was here..”
Prince nuzzled her head, but not like a lover would do.
Like a brother.
KJ had paused his search near a ridge at the swamp. He silently ate something as he saw a flash of orange.
He sent an arrow flying at Reign.
“Not so fast, are yeh?” She asked, as Jane showed she had caught the arrow moments before it would have hit Reign’s chest. Reign’s words sounded like barks to KJ.
“Gotta say, humans have good aim,” Jane said.
KJ slid down the side of the ridge, splashing water on Jane.
She grimaced at it hit her wound.
The wolf in the cloak followed.
“I’ve been practicing,” KJ said, grabbing Jane’s wrists that were flying at him.
A few humans alighted wyverns out of nowhere and joined the fight.
They didn’t have Astra, so it was chaos.
“I taught you,” said KJ, “but you can’t beat me.”
He thrust a knife in her wound, opening it more.
He kicked her head and she fell into the water.
Pax thrust himself on the humans, knocking them onto a ridge.
“Jane!” Yelled Ridley, but a human blocked his view for a moment. A shadowy creature pulled her down in the water. She disappeared.
Reign was caught by a net and cried, “WHY ARE THEY NETS ALWAYS AIMED AT MEH??!?!?”
She was shot with tranq darts.
“Astra must’ve been the wolf holding us together,” Ridley said, battling a human with his claws. “Or Prince. He wasn’t terrible with a sword.”
Pax was hit with darts, and went out cold.
Ridley was surrounded.
The cloaked wolf pounced on a human and was still invisible.
Ridley saw the humans fall to the ground in seconds to something that could not be seen.
Then the wolf revealed itself as it clawed KJ’s face and made him fall unconscious.
It turned and looked at Ridley under its hood.
Ridley’s heart pounded with fear.
It sauntered toward him and whispered in his ear.
“I’m back,” it said, then it vanished.
Ridley breathed in sharply and tried to look for the wolf.
Was it a relative of his?
Was it one of his friends?
Was it.. Shadow? From another time?
All of these questions flooded Ridley’s mind.
He huffed as he noticed KJ had disappeared with the wolf. So did the other humans.
Reign and Pax woke up.
“Where are the humans?” Reign asked.
“They were taken down and disappeared to a wolf.”
The other two watched Ridley, hoping he had more information.
“The wolf.. it said it’s back.”
Reign huffed. “But who’s been gone that came back?”
The Omega Timelines
Chapter 56: Once Upon a time…
By Break-it
Bruce lifted his head out of the… squishy ground. “Ugh” he rolled over and sat up to find Tim investigating something. Tim glanced at Bruce, “Oh hey! You’re finally awake.” He said. Bruce muttered something then stood up. Looking around he saw, what looked like muscle, wrapped around pieces of TEK. Some strange plants grew from the pink soft and bouncy ground. Bruce just hung his head, “H-LNA, where are we now?…H-LNA?” Bruce looked around to find the little robot company wasn’t floating next to him as she normally would. Tim frowned, “Yeah about that, H-LNA seems to be missing. Along with us. I’ve never seen this place in the whole simulation.” Bruce nodded, “Yeah I’ve noticed that.” He looked for a way out of this flesh infested cave. “I’m detectable heavy amounts of element though.” Bruce’s eyes flickered with purple electricity. “This way.” After walking a bit Tim froze, “Hear that?” He asked. Bruce nodded “Hear it? I can feel it.” Suddenly a large star shaped beast shot up and screamed at them. Bruce guarded Tim as the creature flow away. They ran a couple miles before stopping to rest. Large claps of what seemed like thunder rang out loud though the cave. “What is that?” Tim asked. “I’m not sure but it sounds like thunder…. maybe a lightning storm?” Tim shook his head, “That sounds to heavy to be thunder.” Bruce noticed a slight shaft of light, “There!” They ran for the entrance. They got to the mouth of the cave and saw a beautiful landscape, mountains, deserts, and jungles Tim shook his head again, “What is this place? It seems to be a mixture.” He pointed to some castle, “Those are the ruins I found on Ragnarock.” Bruce nodded, “And that looks like the volcano for the Island.” he pointed to a large mountain covered in TEK. A huge clap of thunder rang out making them both jump. A black mist that was in the distance dissipated and glowing white figure floated down to a clearing. Tim pointed warily, “Was that… a Homo Deus?” Bruce shrugged, “I doubt it.” Tim looked at Bruce. “You doubt it?! I mean for crying out loud they have a flying paradise.” He exasperatedly stuck his hands out at it, “You doubt that that was a Homo Deus?” Bruce shrugged again, “You never know but whatever that was we should check it out. I have a hunch…” Bruce looked a Tim, “Still got you TEK claws?” Tim nodded activating a transparent diamond. “Seems it gets rid of companies but not equipment.” Tim said nodding to Bruce’s armor. “Yeah.” Bruce drew a piece of element. Warm to his touch and sparking, he put it back in his pocket. “Lets hope whatever this place is stays out of Elements reach.” “Agreed.” They ran for duo rushed forward and into the wilderness beyond.
Lil john
I was just flying near the redwoods to looks around when one of these freaks pulled up on me and my pt. I didn’t realize they were in the new mobile version so I screamed and tried to run away (it caught up) and I had to dismount my pt and run for it. DO NOT GO NEAR ANY SWAMP UNLESS YOU’RE PREPARED. THEY ARE SCARY.
These are stronger than the rex, and tame one of these beasts instead of some old rex. 1. they get an underwater buff when up to mid body in the water and farther. 2. on two legs their attacks are faster and stronger then a rexes but they walk slower,and on four legs they are faster, but not as strong. If a tamed one is following you, they will do this automatically, when riding you must do it on your own. 3. They're easier to tame then a rex! So if you're debating on taming one of these bad boys, or the infamous rex, choose this dude. These beasts need more recongition.
I have a question about the unicorn, in the new mobile ark are they tamed with griffin kibble or with carrots?
Im A mob nob in the new ark Mobile (seriously)
If you have no moral compass, like me, if you cryo a baby rex after hatching it, find a carchar, uncryo the Rex and kill it, baby rex’s give 100% trust…. So yeah