ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

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Creatures of Nightmares
Chapter 11
“Sorry for the falling,” said a voice.
There was a whoosh and Astra floated. “W-who are you?”
“That doesn’t matter right now.” The voice paused. “All you need to know is the story.”
Pax and Prince had gotten Astra’s unconscious body under the small overhang.
“What will we do?” Asked Pax. Prince huffed. “I don’t know.”
“You know,” said Pax, “you could use a little less grumpy and a little more action.”
Prince growled. “Shut up. I’m going to hunt a Dunkleosteus. Seems like it’s the only food source.”
Pax turned away as Prince trotted off toward the water’s edge.
Then Pax’s gaze landed on unconscious Astra. Was she ok?
Images flashed in front of Astra, until she saw a wolf. Tan fur, bright face, and strong.
“The power of the beyond took this form when he went to the wolves. They were scarce, being hunted by the Yutyrannus. He gave them powers. Each wolf had a power similar to their family and personality. For example, your friend Pax can meddle with time because he was always curious about it. His family could too.”
An image of the tan wolf reaching out to all the other wolves was shown to Astra. Then there was a whoosh and she saw a light brown wolf.
“There was one wolf named Ridley. The strongest of them all, given a bit more magic than the others. He was told to protect the wolves.”
Another image appeared. Ridley leading wolves to attack a Yutyrannus.
“But he went too far. He made all Yutyrannus extinct in the process. The power of the beyond was not happy.”
Then, there was an image of Ridley with wolves, laughing at the dead Yutyrannus. “Haha, my friends! We have defeated the deadly creature.” Said Ridley from the image.
“The power of the beyond ordered him to stop. He refused. His group slowly rejoined the power of the beyond. But he had another idea..”
An image flashed. Ridley’s fur was turning black. He was sneaking around at night.
“He kidnapped young wolves with his powers, and led them away. A group of about 12 wolves altogether. He used his powers to make them something else.”
“Hyenaedons,” Astra whispered.
“Yes,” said the voice. “He used his powers of manipulation.”
And Astra knew. Ridley was Shadow.
Ok! Sorry I gotta stop! Next chapter in Mammoth!
Creatures of Nightmares
Chapter 10
The group of wolves silently ate. No one spoke a word for a while. Until Prince finally realized something.
“Where are all of the mammoths and deer and penguins?”
Astra turned her head curiously. “You’re right..”
Pax, who was closest to Astra, nodded in agreement with her. Prince grumbled in disgust.
The three wolves stopped eating the deer. “Was this the only one you could find?” Asked Prince.
Pax nodded.
The group then split up. Astra went to the water, Pax went for a walk, and Prince was napping.
Astra stared at the water. Then she let out a groan and closed her eyes sharply..
“I see you..”
The voice echoed.
“Let me show you..”
Astra saw something horrific.
It was gone in mere seconds. But the image.. stuck in her head. Who was the voice? What did they want?
She trudged back over to the small overhang where Prince slept and huffed. Seeing he was still asleep, she turned and went for a walk.
She tried to clear her mind, to calm down, but the image was burned in her mind.
The animals.. all of them. In chains. Blood.. creatures dehydrated and starving. Even the baby animals. All from the snow biome. Astra couldn’t help but wonder if Shadow, who she assumed had chained them, would attack the forest creatures.
This odd day seemed to get worse as she heard Shadow’s soft voice.
“The girl is only getting smarter. Knowing her powers, and perhaps what I did to her. Does she even know why she has those powers? She won’t find out. We’ll kill her before she knows. Before she knows the strength of her powers.”
And then she fainted.
And fell.. but didn’t.
Laying on the snow covered ground, yet feeling as if she was falling. Deeper. Dark. Nothing to see.
She felt a presence. Was it the voice? Or was it her imagination? After all, she was unconscious.
She didn’t even know that Prince and Pax ran to her. Nudging her, confused. She seemed to just be falling in her mind. But she felt it. It wasn’t just a dream..
Little did she know how long it would last.
Sorry! It’s late. I’m tired. Short chapter. Chapter 11 prob still in direwolf, but will choose new animal to be in soon.
-An-almost-falling-asleep DiploLover24
Creatures of Nightmarez
Chapter 9
“Just a wolf with fire powers, like how you are a FrostPaw,” Prince explained.
The group of three wolves ate the whole Dunkleosteus, and tossed its bones into the sea for the piranhas. Then they found a small ice overhang and all decided to curl up. Pax laid on the right and Astra was going to lay down beside him (it was a small overhang) but Prince quickly took the spot. Astra curled up on the left, beside Prince.
The group fell asleep in minutes.
Astra was suddenly in a dark place. Nothing could be seen.
“My dear.. so you know now. The prophecies.. the power beyond..”
Shadow’s voice echoed and Astra braced herself, prepared to create an ice trail to run. Yet she couldn’t active her powers. “No magic here, dear, except for mine.”
Astra snarled in disgust and anger.
“If I can even enter dreams, there will be no doubt I can get to the fifth wolf before you. Should be an easy task.. not even the powers of the beyond could save you then.”
And Astra saw a flash of Shadow’s face. More scars. More evil eyes.
“I’m your worst nightmare. You can’t beat me. No one ever will.”
Astra woke up, sweat on her face. It was the middle of the night. The swirls upon her sides and back glowed and she created snow that melted on her, cooling her body. Her bright blue eyes glimmered like diamonds this time of night.
She turned to look at Pax and Prince, sleeping softly. She could see Prince was quite cold, shivering in his sleep. Astra curled up closer to him and closed her eyes.
Astra woke up hours later. “Pax is hunting,” Prince said to her. She nodded and stretched her legs.
Prince was looking at her with shining green eyes until he noticed she knew and he shook his head and blushed. Astra wagged her tail in a playful way, nudging him.
She pranced over to a large pile of snow her swirls glowed. Soon the pile was on Prince.
He popped his head out, and used his powers to grab Astra with the sea toward him. They lifted each other slightly above ground, giggling and blushing. Astra’s nose was close to Prince’s.
“I’m back!” Yelled Pax. The magic stopped. Astra was flopped on the ground, soaking wet, and Prince was smothered in snow.
“Ohhh-k..” Pax said in an odd voice. “Well, I got a deer. Let’s eat.”
The group silently ate, Pax never asking what happened, and the other two never mentioning it.
Hope yall have a good holiday next week!
Creatures of Nightmares
Chapter 8
“Ryder? Really?” Was Prince’s first response.
“Ok.. ok.. I’ve been called a lot of things.. I bet you think Ryder sounds the most stupid.”
“. . . Yep.”
Astra blinked and looked around, standing up. “Hi, Prince.. and random.. wolf..”
Prince gave a huff and flashed a look at the wolf just so he wouldn’t say his name was Ryder.
“My.. real.. name..” he said under his breath, “is Pax. I think I can help you both. In some way.”
Pax sat down and Prince sat across from him, nodding his head to Pax so he wouldn’t say continue as Astra sat beside Prince.
“Well.. first of all.. there’s a verse in a song, with a special power. Like.. a prophecy. It goes.. like this.”
Pax was singing what was like an old tale.
“There’s a magic,
Strong and true,
In five wolves,
Including you.”
Astra and Prince were confused.
“If you heard the word you after I sang including, you’re a part of it.”
Prince was confused. He had heard the word “you”.
Astra’s ears flicked. The word “you”.. why had she heard it? What does it mean?
Pax looked at them as if to ask, “Did you?” The wolves nodded.
“Perfect!” Pax yelped. “So you’re a part of it too!”
Prince grumbled at the thought of Pax joining him and Astra.
Prince opened his mouth to ask a question but Pax said,
“Before you ask any questions, we need to see if you two fit the descriptions in the song.”
Pax sang again.
“One wolf with powers of ice,
Will be the first to run from Night,
The second one,
Brave and true,
Comes from two,
Flames and sea,
Raging free,
The third,
With powers of time,
Will save the two,
That run from Night.
The fourth,
Smart and sly,
In the sky,
With wings to fly.
The fifth,
A mystery,
No one knows,
This wolf until,
The four appear
In front of her eyes,
But she refuses,
And joins the Night.”
Pax finished the song.
“I’m the first. I ran from Shadow, and I have ice.” Astra said. Prince was kind of dazed by this song.
“I’m.. the second. My parents were outcasts, one of them a FlamePaw, the other a SeaPaw. I have the coat of arms FlamePaw but the power of a SeaPaw.”
Astra huffed, “Can we get another Dunkleosteus for dinner?”
Prince nodded and they walked to the waters edge, Pax following.
Prince dived in, and so did Astra and Pax. Using his powers, Prince allowed everyone to breathe underwater.
They swam deep, Astra freezing any piranha that came near. Easily they got another large fish and swam up, dragging it on shore.
While they ate, Astra was curious. “What is a FlamePaw?”
Hey all! Hope this is good!
Creatures of Nightmares
Chapter 7
Astra’s heart thumped wildly. “Prince.. please.. come on..”
Tears welled up in her eyes. His body was limp. She didn’t even know if he was breathing. Astra looked away, her tears dropping onto the snow.
Her ears, one real and one made of ice, flicked. “Prince!” She turned and saw his eyes open.
She cried out on joy but then noticed a look on his face. “Prince..?”
Prince blinked and closed his eyes for a moment. “The Shadows of Night are coming. They have no mercy. Only few can stop them. A select few. A group of wolves whose power rages from the beyond. Wolves that have a stronger ally..”
She was confused. Could that be a prophecy?
His mind snapped into the present suddenly and he screamed.
Astra turned and saw.. him. Red eyes, evil smile, black fur. Scars all over him. And the magical swirls she and Prince had. Astra was only 2/3 the size of him.
“Hello, my dear,” whispered Shadow. “Nice seeing you today.”
Astra gave a warning snarl, though she was scared.
“Protecting your little boyfriend, are you? Don’t worry. It’ll all be over in a few minutes. Or you can join me and be happy. Your choice. Life or death.”
Astra stood taller. “Shut up, you foul rat.”
Shadow hissed. “Wrong answer.”
He came flying through the air to pounce on her, but she dodged. “Run, Prince!” They both sprinted. It was another chase. This time, though, Astra was faster.
Prince and Astra both ran far, giving themselves bursts of speed by kicking off of tree trunks and the bottom of the ice bridge. Still, Shadow came closer.
Astra closed her eyes for a moment. -Focus.. Focus..- she thought. Then she opened her eyes. They glowed bright. The frost crept up her paws and the tip of her tail. Her soft blue swirls appeared.
“Woah!” Prince yelped. The ground became ice for the two wolves, and the ice stopped as Shadow went close to it. The two wolves used the ice to their advantage. Skidding and sliding, they got faster, especially downhill. Shadow grumbled in anger and roared as if he were a lion.
He melted the trail with dancing flames. “You can’t beat me, little girl. It’s only a matter of time.” The flames crept closer to Prince and Astra. They felt the sudden heat.
“You wanna play? I have my own games,” Prince muttered. His red swirls glowed and he sent a wave of water right on the flames. They fizzed and went out.
“Astra, give me some ice!” He yelled and made a seawater trail down a hill. Astra’s swirls glowed and she turned it to ice. They two slid down the ice trail. Shadow snarled.
Shadow swished his tail and the sun glowed bright. All the ice became hot.
Prince hopped off the trail before it hit him, but Astra wasn’t so lucky.
“AAARGHH!” Pain shot through her paws. She rolled off the trail, in deep snow. “Aaaaasssttttrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaa..”
Time slowed. Shadow ran slowly, so did Prince. But then, a flash of light. The two wolves were gone. Shadow screamed in anger.
“Your friend ok?” Asked a male voice.
“She’s ok, but unconscious.. who are you?”
The wolf stepped out. His coat was golden brown. His feet were dark brown, and so was his muzzle. He was even more handsome than Prince and had a smirk on his face.
“I’m Ryder. I think I can help you two.”
Ok yall! Gotta go! Sorry for the long wait for this chapter 😅 next chapter coming soon!
Creatures of Nightmares
Chapter 6
The female wondered why Prince thought of that name. “Why Astra?”
“Because your eyes shine like the stars. Astra is a Latin word for star.”
The female would be blushing right now if she was human. “Ok, Astra it is.” She said.
“Why don’t we find something to eat? You must be hungry after being unconscious for a while.”
Astra gave a small nod and followed Prince toward the water.
“Are you sure?” She asked in a nervous voice. Prince gave a small reassuring nod and dived suddenly. Astra followed, scared to death that she would be ambushed by piranhas. Prince turned to see if she was following. Then he swam deeper.
Piranhas started following. The wolves frantically swam lower until the water pressure was too much for the piranhas. Astra wagged her tail to taunt the piranhas as she followed Prince. But she needed air. Astra swam forward and tapped Prince. He nodded and closed his eyes.
Gentle red swirls glowed on his back. They flashed brightly, illuminating his handsome face. The swirls went on his face, tail, and legs. It was miraculous. He opened his mouth and breathed in. Astra blinked and cautiously opened her mouth.
She could breathe underwater now! Prince opened his eyes and motioned for her to follow. They both swam and found a large fish.
Prince mouthed the words “Dunkleosteus. The Argentavis of the sea. Super slow.” Without warning, he swam up to its back. Astra followed nervously. Prince still had the red swirls on him, but they glowed less brightly. Prince bit at its tail. He held on as it turned to look for him. Astra bit it with her sharp teeth and then clawed at it, tearing its flesh. Hanging onto the back of it, it was killed quickly. They both dragged it up and then saw the piranhas had stayed, waiting for them. Just waiting for them to come out of the deep seas. Prince let go from the Dunkleosteus for a second and mouthed the words, “I will distract them.” But he seemed tired. His glow was very faint. Astra shook her head as he grabbed the Dunkleosteus and she let go.
Astra swam at the piranhas suddenly. Prince whimpered but swam up. There was no stopping her.
Astra swam at them and bit one, killing it instantly. But then she fumbled as the piranhas headed toward her. She barely missed their snapping jaws. -I wish I could get rid of them!- she screamed in her mind.
Glowing blue eyes.
Frost crept up her paws, covered her ear. Ice created her lost second ear. The tip of her tail was covered in frost.
A wave of water surrounding the piranhas turned to ice. They were frozen. And then it stopped.
“Agghhh!” Astra cried out, bubbles floating out of her mouth. -AIR.. AIR..- she gave a sudden kick and swam, her eyes blurring.. almost fainting..
She took long breaths, relieved. But why had Prince’s magic stopped? She looked around tiredly and saw him. Floating unconscious in the water. The glow had stopped.
-He must’ve been to worn out!- she thought and dived down.
She grabbed him by his tail and swam upward. She swam and swam. Finally she reached the snow and climbed out, pulling him.
“Prince.. Prince.. Come on..”
She looked at his wet body.
“Prince.. please wake up.. please..”
Hey all! After a couple days I saw names and someone said the name Constellation, so I thought stars! Which led to the name Astra! Thanks!
So remember Alpha? Ya.I went back to the spot and guess what I saw 1 alpha raptor. I didn't see Alpha anywhere. ☹️ So I am still searching. I hope she just wandered of. But if there were 3 raptors and I only saw one... That could only mean....... Is she dead??? Find out when I get 10 ⬆️