ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

More Direwolf Utility Tips
Vicious and lightning fast, the Dire Wolf is a great all-around mount for adventuring and attacking. I highly recommended to bring packs of Dire Wolves for any hostile situation. Whether it be kill Alphas, or raid bases, it's size, agility, and damage make for a deadly beast.
Direwolves are easily my favorite tame on the island, they are extremely good battle creatures especially in packs. Breeding and imprinting (which I did) as well as leveling them up means you can take on nearly everything. It’s extreme mobility and small size means you can use it for most caves, as well as collecting tons of chitin and meat along the way. This is a 9/10 tame for me, due to its relatively easy taming process (bola then tranq) and its extremely versatile usage.