ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

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More Dilophosaur Stories Tips
I was playing mobile ark on my iPad,I had a level 45 Dilo called Bart!He was my only best friend.He always was beside me I always gave him treats, and he also protected me from a sarcosuchus that’s level 1 and he actually killed it if I was grinding prime meat 😢😭 he was there he was just like a brother to me,he always protected me, but soon I was attacked by a pack of raptors that were abt 90, Bart tried to kill the miserable raptors but he did not make it! 😭😭,I had no choice but to run,I was so literally mad and depressed,everytime I see a raptor I’ll kill it for my best friend.i made a grave for Bart we always go there.1up=Bart will protect you!
Rapter story: Chapter 1
I am hated by most animals. Why? I mean, who would want to be pounced on every time you try to walk in the woods? As normal, I was low on hunger. I wandered the beaches in need of a dodo. I didn't find a dodo, instead, I found a Dilophasaur. But, he was different. He had a name. Then a human ran Infront of me and started firing arrows at me. I tried to pounce but I was knocked out. When I woke I was inside a hut. A campfire, bed, a... A dodo! I licked my lips as I charged at the dodo but I stopped. Something inside of me was telling me that it was wrong to kill the dodo. I never felt like that in forever! Then, the human called me...
250 likes and I'll do a part 2!
STORYTIME, (yay🥳) So, 1 or 2 years ago I used to breed dilos, I had 10-15, for some reason that I don’t remember (probably therezinhasaurus or a really strong pack of raptors) only 2 of them survived, General and his wife Rosa, they helped me a lot to kill raptor and random Dino’s that kept trying to invade my base, so they became really special to me, and now they are retired on herbivores island, in a secondary base (I only play on Single Player because I’m to scared to multiplayer) enjoying life with another special Dinos ou weak pets that I don’t want to lose, so please take care of your dilo, they may not be the best, but they are really nice pets and companies.
I personally have tamed almost 20 of these guys and my first army helped me fight a bronto that I accidentally punched (mobile) and anyways about half of them died R.I.P but the strongest survived and are now O.G.s and a started taming more, but I have named every single one and never reused a name, which means 40+ names but my five favorites in order are Selena, Hex, Rachel (daughter of hex and Selena), Hector, and Jena.
Hex was named after my first parsaur who was killed by a sarco so in memory of the first hex I raised an army starting with Hex the dilophosaur
Selena was found at a high level and has a whopping health of almost 700 (good for a noob like me)
Rachel is good stat wise (not as good as Selena) and is daughter of my 2 favorites
Hector was an OG that survived me killing the bronto
Jena accompied me into the cave during a pursuit helping kills spiders and scorpions (or whatever their names are) while I was passed out due to torpor, Jena also helped kill my first raptor, funny thing is I thought Jena was a boy so her first name was Gene but I found out she was not a he so she got her name changed to Jena.
Also my sixth favorite is lily, she is an OG almost as old as hex and is one of the ones that has been through the most.
More stories of my dilophosaur army? Yeah or nah?
Once upon a time I joined Ark survival evolved. The first couple creatures I tamed were dilophosaur. Much to my dismay I realized they weren’t very strong. So I tamed more and more. Then bred them for mutations. Until I had a bunch of level 250+ all with melee and health stat buffed. While on gen 2 in the Rockwell garden just southwest of the reaper cave I saw a max level shadowmane. Well the shadowmane thought I was lunch but didn’t see my 20 dilos near me ready for lunch. That shadowmane didn’t live to tell the tale. Fast forward to ark ascended first two creatures I tamed were dilos. Only this time I didn’t go as crazy to get stats. Now they are just randomly roaming around the outside of my base on aggressive. It’s been almost a month and not a thing has threatened me outside my base. I only have two. Good boy. And Barbasol (from Jurassic park). We play fetch every day. Then we laugh together when he poops — seriously they laugh when they poop. It’s hilarious