ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Ребят, такой моментик… дейнозух есть на екстишене! Я пока обнаружил его только в зимнем куполе, в его западной части есть озеро с пингвинами. Там я его и обнаружил. Спаунится он в воде
More Deinosuchus Everything Else Tips
It says it eats spino kibble "mobile"
So maybe it's gonna get added to mobile?
Why in the h e double hockey sticks is this thing on scorched it’s a flipping croc for crying out loud holy freaking shiznit this is insane - RealitysPancake
Thats just sarco 2.0. Literally
Yo we’re on the island are these
When raising them they drop like 10 food per second....never seen anythings food drop so fast...with a decent level one you should be able to leave it for little amounts of time after about 3% but trust me it eats ALOT...don't know if this changes at juvy
Unless you’re a high level and can kill it or Tame it stay away from it they’re crazy aggressive, and they will hunt you down till you’re dead.💀
Incorrect breeding time takes a lot long than 2 days to raise one
Not so much a tip. But why can’t we have a basking option like the pyros have an option to curl up.
These seem to be bugged currently. They don't properly dive below the surface in most cases.
Um this has been in for months it needs a pic