ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

O Deinonico é domado quando você rouba um ovo do ninho deles, eu recomendo ir ao Sudoeste do mapa ou a baixo e a direita, quando encontrar uma zona bem verde é só explorar, quando achar um Deinonychus é só procurar aos arredores, os ninhos são feitos de gravetos em volta com um crânio dentro, geralmente ficam em baixo de árvores, nas alturas ou ao lado de pedras. Espero ter ajudado
More Deinonychus Taming & KO Tips
Tame a bird and carry something as you fly over the nest to lure them away like an Ankylo. Drop the bait, then fly back to loot the nest. I got 5 eggs in 30 minutes. Please spread.
Are strong in packs, do a bleed effect and can latch onto surfaces, it is tamed by stealing its eggs and raising them, it can take 9 to 10 standing torches. Eggs are found in the whites cliffs area ONLY on the valguero map. Like if helpful
People on here are giving the most difficult tips to get the eggs. Just fly down there. Hop off when non is too close. Grab the egg. Fly away. It's as simple as that. No need for an argentavis with bait
Get a flyer like a Pteranodon or an Argentavis and fly close to the Deinonychus guarding the eggs so that they start running towards you (try not to get hit). Lure them off a cliff or just a few meters away. Fly back to the nests (make sure they don't follow you back), get all the eggs.
Usually if they're a few meters away they will either not notice you stealing eggs or they won't be fast enough to get to you. You don't need to get a bait or anything like that.
Here's how to steal one early game: If you spawn in at chalk hills 3 and spawn next to a pond walk opposite to the pond. There are some nests right there. Snatch one quickly and run off the cliff next to the pond. Be careful and make sure to fall into the water. From there make a left and you should get to a beach area. From there it should be easy to find your base.
You can't tame these guys by knocking them out. Instead, you need to steal their fertilised eggs (just like wyverns and rock drakes), hatch them and raise them, just a bit harder than knocking them out. The eggs can, of course, be found in their nests and do be careful while trying to steal one as the Deinonychus is very territorial. Hope this helps :)
1. Tame a kangaroos 2. Have a tribe mate with a whip in the pouch 3. Quickly jump on a nest and have your tribe mate whip the egg into his inventory 4. Jump away! No one has to dismount so there’s basically no risk
Wear full ghille suit to get eggs, also its good to have a lot of health and movement speed.
The good and bad of this Dino
The good: they can deal bleed damage to bosses
The bad: they only spawn on two maps
Up so noobs can see
Easy, tame a pack of pteranodons and attack each deinonychus, theyll get distracted, easy, get the eggs and fly away