ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Si la van a tamera péguenle con la resorted no le hará daño y le aplicarán torpor usen bayas azules si no tienen otra cosa 👍
More Carbonemys Taming & KO Tips
Okay so you circle around the turtles and hit them.. after that you get mojo berries(Purple berries) since they work the best you feed them. Once you tamed them they make the best defence pets i had two of them and they are godly defenders. Please up this so the nubs can see and become one of the pros.
Basically for all the new players: bolas don't work on these big turtles so if you just started use a slingshot and hit it in the head while running backwards and eventually you'll knock it out. Then use mejoberries which you can get from bushes to tame it
how to tame : ( for easy difficulty
first get mejoberries at least 75 if ur doing it for the first time
second get slingshot and get rocks (45-65)
third slowly walk back and hit the turtle continuously with the slingshot or stand on a high rock and keep hitting it
fourth after you knock it unconscious put mejoberries in inventory and wait( if high lvl you might need narcotics or bio toxin)
fifth craft a saddle for it
170 hide
95 fiber
10 cementing paste(to get it u can craft it in a mortar and pestle with 8 stone and 4 chitin/keratin
six enjoy!
Before knocking out a turtle to tame it, magnifying glass it to see the base health so you know that you will get a good health turtle.
1. Find one
2. Tranq it ( they are easy to outrun)
3. Give berries (best are mojo)
4.wait till tame👍
Easy tames. Use a slingshot to the head and bac way while shooting( it’s a f###ing turtle, chalrles) it eats berries and use so noobs can see.
How2Tame #6: Carbonemys
Welcome back, all, to How2Tame, hosted by me, Zeta, who teaches players how to tame creatures they'll want to have! Today's hot topic: Carbonemys. Let's get started.
1. Gather lots of berries and craft a Club. You may sight the Carbonemys and walk up to it. Jump on its back and start striking it repeatedly with a club. Soon the turtle will fall asleep. Feed it berries.
2. Remember to have a saddle ready. You can ride this.
3. If the torpor gets too low, Feed the turtle black berries. They increase torpor.
4. You have yourself a Carbonemys! Name it and equip the saddle.
5. Upgrade health and speed preferably, so that your Carbonemys is healthy and fast on land— which most Carbonemys are slow. Remember to feed it daily.
And there you have it folks! Your very own turtle! This is Zeta of How2Tame signing off. PS see my episodes below.
1. Dodo
2. Parasaur
3. Lystrosaurus
4. Dilophosaur
5. Moschops
6. Carbonemys
7. (Coming soon!) Compy
if you have about 30 mejoberries and tranqs than please try to tame one. i did and i do not regret it. once you knock it out give it mejoberries (they work the best!). let it eat for like ten minutes and boom you have one. they can carry a ton of weight and will protect you. i love mine and you’ll love yours
An easy way to tame this fat turtle it Slingshot it and run around in circles I reccomend shooting it in its head because it has BIG STRONG on its back (btw bring about 40 rocks for the slingshot) and when it is knocked out feed it berries and name it Sheldon
Steps to tame: 1. Grab slingshot and shoot it.
2. Go whack it with a knock out weapon a.k.a hands, (hands are not recommended.) primitive wooden club, or anything like that. 3. Once it’s knocked out, give it as many berrys as you can. These guys are great for beginners; they generally have more health than a trike. Pros: Good for defending tames with lower health, good wood/thatch gatherer. Cons: SO FREAKING SLOW!!! Have fun with your Carbonemys!!🐢🐢🐢