ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

One of the Mini bosses on Fjordur. You need to kill this one, the Steinbjôrn, and Hoti and Skoll for their relics to fight the main boss on Fjordur, Fenrisúlfr!! 😁
More Beyla Encountering Tips
First ever tip for Bayla: bayla is a giant bee that spawns more giant bees as minions, once you kill all her minions she will then change her attack to throwing poison at a distance. Once you finally kill her the loot will contain a special ruin, the rest of the loot can range from ascended saddles, guns, armor, and building items
this is regarded as the "easiest" fjordur miniboss, i would recomend bringing megatheriums, shadowmanes, rexes, or even direbears
The Beyla Boss Terminal is located in a Cave at 04.2 | 47.3
In order to Start the Boss fight you need 30 Rune Stones
Recommended Tames:
10x Megatherium
10x Shadowmane
1x Yutyrannus or
1x Daedon
To everyone who don't know, this is like a giant bee boss it has 175k health one of her attacks can directly tranquilize the player even if riding something! So use gas mask once defeated she will drop her relic which is required to summon Broodmother
Oh and use megatheriums for easy win
Miniboss found in the honey cave for 30 runes, can fit a giga in the cave
I have 3 rexes with 1k melee and 5k health and a megatherium with basically the same stats. If I breed the megatheriums will that be enough for beyla?
Beyla is the easiest of the 3 world bosses to kill, its terminal is in a cave around 4 47 and requires 30 runestones to summon
Beyla is a giant bee that has 175k health and shoots poisonous things similar to the manticore and poison wyvern
Can be easily killed by a high melee creature or 4 of the same that do above 1,000 damage
1 out of 3 mini bosses in fjordur, its spawned with 30 runestones at a terminal in a cave
All you need is 2rexs , preferred 25k health and 900ish melee, 1 high level yuty and for fun I brought a monkey[gigapith] Easy, won't take you long, 30element , some enchanted stuff, blueprints, the relic , and done easy
When is beated Beyla i used
: 6 level 230 rexes with with about 13-25K health Who did about 150-300 damage
: 3 level 210 arges with about 9K-13K health
Who did about 100 damage
Its way easier then People say it is you dont need any level 230 giga thats fully imprinted
Also in my expierience with Beyla i didnt need a gasmask