ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Para domésticar un basilisco primero atrápalo, pero ojo debes tener huevos de rock drake o dragón de roca y se los tienes que tirar y listo
More Basilisk Taming & KO Tips
Many people think I’m vicious, unfriendly, and dangerous. However, I’m really just angry I can’t get any good type of cuisines. Survivors just make up the lost nutrients! I crave a good exotic dish. I never have time to go scavenge for them however (Fine, I’m just too lazy to get them myself), and hence why I will love anyone or anything that would give me these. As a part of the Serpentes family (Snake family), I love eggs. For my preferences, fertilized ones. However, I need something with more punch for my larger (and more hazardous) digestive system. There are 3 specific flavor types I love. Radioactivity charged tanged egg with a mild rocky flavor, a very spicy but melts on the tongue kick, and finally, a crunchy, bitter electronic, but still very flavorful, metallic egg. (Hey, don’t look at me like that, everyone has different taste preferences!) Of course, this is the rock drake, magmasaur, and voidwyrm fertilized eggs. Please, I’ll love you forever if you feed me these. (I might think of you some random attacker when I first see you, so please avoid my eye contact and drop the eggs for me, don’t worry, I’ll find out who got me this treat later) Thank you tasty- I mean generous survivors for reading this!
Love from your favorite snake friend,
Throw a shoulder pet (bulbdog) and make it passive,
Put a foundation on top of it and change it to block,
Throw the rock drake eggs near the foundation
Go and aggro the basilisk it will agro on your bulbdog but never het it, set back and watch big snake boy eats the eggs while trying to hit your shoulder pet
I tamed 3 basilisks in a raw while afk watching YouTube with this method 😅
Encountering - rare everywhere around Balheimr, or the volcano island.
Recommended tame:
Desmodus - can be used to lead in trap and feed sanguine elixir
Taming - build a trap. Nooblets has one on YouTube, but it’s not required. In my experience the trap actually hindered the taming.
Feeding - bring magmasaur eggs (found in the cave at the bottom of the fire Wyvern trench also on balheimr) OR bring rockdrake eggs (as mentioned in the previous ultimate survivors guide, in Asgard). Drop them in front of it and retain aggro. It CANNOT burrow or your tame is ruined (pain) always remember to bring sanguine elixir, it is basically required at this point. Bring a gas mask and be aware of your creatures torpor. My desmodus unfortunately was knocked out and died. RIP
Saddle - The saddle requires 150 fiber, 270 hide, 425 metal ingots (eek), 45 green gems (found in underwater mega bubbles near the center of the ocean), and 85 cementing paste.
Congrats! You now have the perfect taming/combat/cargo tame! The basilisk is AMAZING at taming, I even tamed a giga with it! Huge resource saver. It is also pretty powerful on its own, accompany it with a Rex and beyla is a breeze! Thanks for reading this ARK Guide!
- SpiderWebb
AKA BrokeGibbon(463)
PS: I did not copy the drake one, I made it too. I did not expect it to blow up this much so imma make a few more of these!
Basilisks can now be tamed with fert magmasaur eggs!
Put a shoulder pet (or baby Ovis in my case) under a stone foundation and watch your future basilisk be endlessly distracted. Throw the eggs nearby for an easy tame!
Been scrolling through tips and Haven't seen anyone say this yet.
While taming do not let it burrow. It losses effectiveness.
And while using tames that it ignores, I reccomend a fast one it does aggro to (I used a ravager). It will keep the aggro, while still being able to dodge attacks.
Just kite it around in between feeding intervals, and keep kiting over the egg when you have one dropped.
This is the method I used to tame a 150 on a x5 server (took 3drake eggs)
Make them eat crystal wyvern eggs. So I can get one on crystal isles :(
Takes 4 eggs on 3x help prevent a bad day for someone else!
If you are looking to get a basilisk on crystal isles don’t even try without forcetame or spawn rock drakes due to the drakes not spawning. Thanks for adding acid spitting snakes on the map TAHT CANT BE TAMED
Taming a Basilisk is simple. First you throw a light let on the ground, and place a metal foundation over it and switch the foundation to block form. Then drop all the eggs on top of the metal foundation and lure the basilisk to the foundation. It will focus on the bulldog, but cannot damage it.