ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

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When I was a noobie in Ark I saw this guy. Like the therizinosaur incident with me thinking this guy is passive I walked up to him while he was busy dealing three raptors. He slew the raptors easily then he drew his attention to me. I was like “Hello there” and he was like “Omae wa, mou shindeiru.” He stunned and easily killed me. Lesson learned. Don’t ever, ever go near creatures dealing with other hostiles. You might save your character by doing this.
I will write my first chapter now - lava the dilo
Once there was a baryonyx that lived in a river with his mom and dad. He was a newborn baryonyx. He had a normal life (kill,eat,sleep). But that all changed one day. An Oviraptor kidnapped him and took him to a small cave. The oviraptor was about to eat him when a roar-like sound came from somewhere near. The oviraptor dropped the baby baryonyx and ran. Then the baryonyx got picked up by... his older sister who is bigger than a oviraptor but smaller than a tricer. The sister put him back at the nest with his twins. ( I will give you names now: the baby baryonyx name is Barry, the sisters name is Emily, and the twins names are Tommy and William)
Give 4 likes if you want more chapters
One time, I had a Baryonyx named Barry (naming creatures is not my forte). I wanted another Baryonyx, but I didn’t have very much fish. I wanted prime fish meat, so I attacked a sabertooth salmon. I hit one, but that aggroed it and a TON of them that were nearby. Thankfully, Barry was there. He WRECKED the salmon, and left with around 20 full stacks of fish meat. I tamed the other Baryonyx, but soon, Barry met a terrible fate. I explored upriver, and was faced with an onslaught of Dilos and raptors. Barry fought well, but they just kept coming, and he eventually was defeated. RIP Barry, my great companion 🥺😣🥺😣
• Chapter 10 •
Pandora was by herself once again. She watched the ground and her talons thumping against it as she walked, the rings on her claws shining in the pale moonlight. She then slowed down, stopping to stand in place and looking up at the dark swirling night sky with a gentle exhale. The nebulas of stars and the full silver moon were a beautiful sight beside the far away silhouette of the skytree.
She sat down on her haunches, her eyes still fixed on the mass of stars. Though she stayed motionless, a light hum came from her closed mouth, a song only she knew. One she’d heard from somewhere unknown to her. A place in time she’d never seen yet.
There was a tiny sound from behind. Pandora turned her head slowly, her wings twitching. She saw a tiny feathered shape let out a small cry as it plummeted from a tree and landed with a thud on the ground.
The bird twitched and chirped. She watched it for a moment, turning around to step forwards. The small creature was lying on its side and glancing around with round black eyes. It was a sparrow, its feathers light and dark brown speckled with white.
Above the bird, there was a nest from which it had fallen. There were two others inside it, looking down quietly with tiny twittering noises. The bird on the ground stared up at her, and she tilted her head at it, noticing one of its wings were uneven and deformed.
“Hello, little bird,” Pandora greeted it slowly. She reached down with her talons and scooped it up. The sparrow chirped in protest and wriggled slightly, its feathers soft and fluffed as she felt it.
“You seem to have fallen.” She said to it, looking up at the old tree. “And you aren’t wanted up there, are you? Because your wing does not work. I… I pity you. Hm, I’ve never used that word before, it sounds quite nice to say, actually. You don’t know at all what I am saying, of course. Small. Small little thing. Don’t worry, though. You are perfect the way you are, even if you don’t survive past sunrise.” She set it back down and it crouched low on the ground, still too young and weak to walk or run away.
“But that’s not my problem, friend. I can’t help you.”
It jerked its head to the side, fluffing its tiny tail feathers and making a small sound. With a whirl of her tail she turned away, folding her wings in and heading back up, towards the warm lights and voices coming from the festival.
“Goodbye, tiny bird.”
The clearing was filled with dancing. Nobody was sure how it started, just a simple Wyvern twirling around another or someone asking their partner to dance. Bria was caught in the midst of it all, swapping places with others and occasionally spotting her friends among the gathering. She was never into dancing, and didn’t know how to either, but she tried her best to go along with everyone despite it.
Izzabee and Toxin were sitting outside the crowd, Toxin gnawing hungrily on a stick of sun-dried meat. Izzabee basked beside a lantern next to him, looking chilled down and a little bit tired.
“We should get going soon,” Izzabee said.
Toxin shivered in the cold and sighed, nodding slowly.
“Spread your wings, move around! C’mon, Bri.” Bright said to Bria kindly, sliding out of nowhere and halting next to her, the laces on her wings shifting. She grabbed Bria’s tail with hers and tugged them further into the group, Bria nearly running into several others as she moved. They spun in a circle and Bria spotted Rainstone for the second time, who smiled again before she lost sight of him.
Someone let out a roar of joy as they jumped and spun in the air. Others smiled and mirrored the sound, eyes closed and wings spread. Bright lifted her head high and roared along with them, flapping her wings as she did.
The night went on like that for a while. By the time the moon had crossed most of the sky, the fires and lanterns had dimmed and burnt out and many dragons had gone home. Bria was sitting down, adjusting her necklace and shaking the tiredness away. Ember was talking with the other drummer in the distance, and she saw the mulberry colored Fire Wyvern exclaim in sudden excited fire, before blinking and laughing nervously. Nettle was fast asleep on a flat boulder, her tail hanging limply and the side of her head lying against the rock.
Bria noticed a couple of other Wyverns still awake and talking, while others were eating, resting or half-asleep.
She sat down and ducked her head, using the edge of her wing to pull her necklace off. It landed with barely a sound on the ground, the moonlight reflecting off its black surface. ‘Ugh, Pandora, where did you go?’
“I’m back.”
She turned around and sighed in relief as she saw Pandora standing there.
“Where were you?” She asked. “You missed Toxin. He was looking forward to meeting you.”
“I know he was.”
Bria stood silently, unsure of what to say.
“And you don’t need to worry about me, Bria,” Pandora continued, almost sternly. “You should know that.”
“I do, I know, sorry,” Bria replied. “You ready to go home?”
“...Yes,” Pandora answered.
Bright padded over to them, looking a bit drained but still smiling. Ember was calling goodbye to the Lightning Wyvern, who finally took off and left with her drums in her back talons. Ember then scuttled across the clearing and yelled, “Nettle, we’re going!” And the Poison Wyvern let out a throaty warble as she woke up and lifted herself.
“Finally,” Nettle said drowsily.
Bria was just about to lift her wings when Pandora stepped ahead of her. “Stop, wait,” she said.
“What is it?” Bria asked.
“We should probably walk,” Pandora said.
“Walk?” Nettle echoed.
“Why?” Ember asked with a puzzled look.
“I suggest we walk, that’s all,” Pandora answered flatly. “At least as far as the lake.”
Bria stared at her thoughtfully. Pandora returned her gaze, her expression giving away nothing at all. She looked up at the stars and then began to take the lead down a path that went away from the plateau.
Bria followed her, Nettle coming after second with a confused expression. They climbed down the slope for some time, the moon passing its high point and beginning to crawl downwards in the sky. Bright fidgeted with her accessories a few tail lengths from Bria, pulling her jewelry off and stuffing them in a small bag.
Their voices echoed across the rocks and trees as they went, waking up sleeping birds and various creatures hidden at this time of night. “Why are we walking again?” Ember’s voice reverberated from where she was.
“Beats me,” Nettle replied.
“Aegh!” Bright sounded suddenly, and the others jumped and spoke at once in confusion. “Swallowed a baugh–” she wheezed.
Bria watched Pandora, her sister’s tail twitching back and forth and her eyes glancing around as if without a care in the world. Bria began to realize how tiring walking seemed compared to flying.
“It’s very cold at night down here,” Ember said after some time.
“Bria, are we almost there?”
“The trees sound like they’re talking to us…”
“You’re just crazy, Ember.”
By the time they had reached the lake, Pandora went still. Bria was about to speak when she heard a familiar sound from far away. “What’s that?” Nettle asked.
Bria’s tail lashed and she looked up quickly.
There was a great bellowing and she saw black forms of Queztalcoatlus’s and other Pterosaurs fly above them in the sky, their cries intense and almost haunting. The force of their wings sent the tops of the trees shaking, and Bria ducked low, afraid the creatures would swoop any further down towards them. The others were looking up as well, their widened eyes glowing in the darkness.
Finally the last of the mob passed, heading the same direction the last one’s had. Their sounds slowly faded and diminished.
Then Pandora looked at them, almost optimistically. “OK, we can fly now,” she said.
They were silent for a short few seconds, before Nettle shrugged and took off with a blast of air. “Guess I’ll see you guys later,” She called. She flew upwards and left, off to where she lived.
Another moment passed.
“What was that all about?” Ember whispered.
Bria felt cold ice run down her spine. Someone had asked that exact same question last time there was a mob. “I’m not sure,” she replied.
“Something’s scaring them all,” Bright said. She and Ember then both looked at Pandora.
“What?” Pandora asked softly.
“How did you know?” Ember asked, sounding both confused and curious.
Pandora blinked and answered, “Premonition,” with a slight shrug, her tone sounding like she herself wasn’t sure, or just didn’t have a good answer.
“Let’s just all get home and go to sleep,” Bright said. “Good night, you guys.”
“Good night,” Bria said.
Toxin flopped onto his bed, letting his wings drop to either side of him. He looked up at the ceiling, making a thoughtful face. “That was… not too bad of a festival,” he said admittedly. “I liked the food. It was, it was, pretty good. Bria seems OK. BUT THAT BEGS THE QUESTION OF WHERE WAS PANDORA?”
“Calm down, Toxin,” Izzabee said. “Bria didn’t know. Maybe we’ll see her some other time.”
“But when?” Toxin whined. “I literally just want to meet her. That’s all! So why can’t I?”
“If you really want to, then just fly over to their den and say hi,” Izzabee suggested.
“Ohh. No no no, that’s weird and rude,” Toxin said, rolling over. “I don’t wanna seem weird and rude.”
“Just go to sleep,” Izzabee said. “I’m tired anyways and it’s way passed moonhigh.”
“I’m sorry.” Toxin said. “You’re right. Good night, mother.”
“Night,” Izzabee replied.
“Love you,” He called.
Izzabee smiled, leaving the room without a word.
It was chilly and quiet in her den as Bria and Pandora finally made it back. Pandora went over to her ledge and curled up without a word, leaving Bria standing there, tired and her head whirling with thoughts. She looked back out the entrance, her mind lingering on the fleeing creatures in the sky.
She swallowed and rubbed her face with her wings wrist, before climbing up to her sleeping spot and setting herself down, her eyes closing quickly.
Ember's words echoed quietly in her mind.
‘ "What was that all about?"’
She slipped instantly into dreams, strange things she’d see but never remember after morning came. Glitching skies and bright streaks of light in a storm. A fleeing Wyvern and a roar louder than anything she’d ever heard before. A face she didn’t recognize.
The stiff, tiny silhouette of a dead creature on the cold ground. The shape of a bird.
One day I was in the swamp killing Titanoboas with my Baryonyx but then a Kaprosuchus jumped me and killed me! I quickly got on my PT when I got to base and also took my Sarco. We rushed over swamp to see my Bary running from 3 Kapros!!! I forgot I put him on passive so I quickly whistled aggressive! He killed them all but my Sarco whent crazy as well! I had to make a quick decision to save the Sarco or Bary! I whent for my Sarco and saved it but lost the Baryonyx in the swamp. I got back to base sad because I was super happy when I first tamed him :( But still to this day I never got the message of his death so maybe he is still out there fighting! Baryonyx fight for your life and come back home!!!