ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

É possível encontrar muito dela na área leste 3 do the Island ou perto de montanhas e áreas rochosas
More Argentavis Encountering Tips
Fact: real argentavis had the second largest wingspan of any bird in history only beaten by pelagornis, it was also actually a type of huge vulture and not an eagle.
Bro if u lost a tame in the jungle u can find it by
1.go to ur profile
2.there will be "tames 32/40"(example) ur tame's name
4.request it
5. Wait
6 u have ur lost tame.
Hope this is usefullllllll
Guys I accidentally dropped off my argy and fell into the waters…..of the center ring circle….and then got eaten by megs..he isn’t dead….buuuutttt…..he’s very high up and I don’t have any fliers….10 upvurts for taming a low lvl pt and flying it to the argy and abandoning the pt…or coming back for it somehow later, or 10 downvurts for just somehow forgetting about my lvl 86?!? Argy!!! Which was very hard to tame….
I had a level 230 Argy named Qrow. He and I would travel the skies together, he was my favorite... Until the one day when I was building him a special home. He watched me build it, but one night he was massacred by a wretched Theriz. Needless to say, I got revenge. Now he has a shrine. RIP Qrow.
Run or walk around in a circle and they will not be able to hit you, easy way to kill or tame.
They actually are at the eastern COASTS of Crystal isles. You dont have to go into the snow biom!
Behavior: Aggressive
The Argentavis is the bully of the sky. It is find on every map, but Abbreviation (I probably misspelled that). It is recognizable by it’s giant eagle structure, while it’s a giant vulture. It comes in pretty colors, but don’t be fooled, it will think your a McDonald advertisement Big Mac. Once tamed, it was but one of your most useful mounts. It has great energy and can kill medium dinos with ease. It also regains health fast if it eats a corpse, which make it a great battle bird. Not to mention the fact it can carry medium dinos in it’s talon and small ones in it’s beak. If you want to tame one, it was be worth your time.
You will need: 5 wooden/stone dinosaur gateways, 2 wooden/stone dinosaur gateway doors, 1 crossbow/longneck, Tranq arrows/darts, and taming food (Mutton is recommended)
Pre-make the trap by spacing the gateways in a way so you can get out but the argy can’t. Add the doors.
I will be referring to the island for locations
First, go to the volcano and find the argy you desire
Second, get it’s attention by shooting it
Third, make it follow you into the trap
Fourth, shut the doors
Lastly, Knock it out and feed it the taming food
Happy taming!
I just tamed my first Argy and I'm wanting to go to the snow biome does anyone know if agrys loose control when Yutys roar?
Argies are great for attack from above to easly kill rexs but remember to still pump health becuase if you get stuck under your dead
Can be found all throughout the snow, many parts of the desert, and even on the volcano. Very powerful flyers, don’t make them mad without a good weapon and mount