ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

More Archelon Utility Tips
One of the best tames in the game. Tame one immediately. They are an incredible underwater tank, and are decently fast. They turn on the spot in water, and can crawl and live on land. They are immune to jellyfish and eels, and they can harvest biotoxin better than anything. After killing a jellyfish they gain and attack buff that makes it incredibly strong. Its saddle is an infinite oxygen tank, meaning you can never run out of air with it. Its saddle also holds four people so you only need one to do underwater stuff with your tribe. The algae it produces is a herbivore equivalent for mutton, meaning you have something better than crops to take herbivores with if you aren’t at kibble tier. Its algae can also be used in a recipe to make algae sushi, the only thing in the vanilla game that can restore lost taming effectiveness. It’s a passive tame with Biotoxin and can be tamed very early on and very easily. However it only eats biotoxin, including babies, and babies have to be grown underwater or else they will suffocate on land while babies. Tame as soon as you can, these things are one of the best in the game, by far the best aquatic tame.
When tamed, these guys are amazing at getting biotoxin as they can’t be stunned much like basilosaurus. They also are super useful as the algae that generates in their inventory (more effectively while in water) can be used as taming food for herbivores at similar effictiveness as mutton. Archelon is also good at gaming tusos or ceratosaurus due to their super high health and abundance of higher quality saddles in drops
Works great as an underwater transport unit, as it has a high base weight, decent movement speed and immunity to Cnidaria and Eels
Tamed Archelon in water produce Algae, which can be used as mutton for herbivores or to make Algae Sushi, a consumable item that can be remotely used on creatures to restore lost taming effectiveness