ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion
Tips & Strategies
鸡蛋灌饼递给你的东西也不是什么时候能得到什么事也可以不是自己喜欢什么的最重要的是什么的东西了!是他个人和团体游客的宽度土地亏空公款大家都会尽快复 u f 的怪叔叔家打底裤分裤堵塞今日高开。计划中加入的宝贝也不想成为你们自己喜欢做翻译软件具有提分裤黑咖啡健康的可贵是问责F的粉红色喜欢办法改变,刚发现开发辛苦辛苦考古发现法国,谢谢,发挥喜欢陈冠希成功发行,辣么高消费,好,哥,发现,饭后喝茶不会不虚此行会出现被吵醒不想出超喜欢吃出些许持续陈晓旭变成翅膀 v
More Achatina Encountering Tips
I don't understand if it only eats cake then how does it survive in the wild? For every good ded does it get cake? These are questions that will never be answered
I recommend you find a wild one and trap it in an enclosure, it'll poop out cementing paste without you needing to tame it
- Snippet the compy
I once knocked one out in the redwoods and got it to 85% when a carno came out and started eating him. He wouldn’t even re-agro onto me when i was hitting him.
He slip, he slime, but most importantly... to tame take a lot of time.😎😎😎
You can encounter them in deep forests
Pwr: 8
They live in REDWOODS And swamp
Punch this snail to low it's life without taking cover to it's shell before killing it with high damage weapon
Sometimes it drops angler gel. A helpful tip should include more information
Passive Little Guys Walk Up and Pet them