ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

More Achatina Utility Tips
TIPP: Achatinas can produce organic Polymer. You can just craft a fridge with the organic Polymer and destroy it. Every time you destroy a fridge you get normal Polymer back. That means you can transform organic Polymer to normal Polymer. I found it out yesterday by myself.
(It also works with organic Oil)
Pronunciation: AK-e-TY-nuh
Group: Invertibra, Mollusca
Favorite Food: Sweet Vegetable Cake
Symbol Association: 🐌🎂🏞
The Achatina is a swamp-dweller. It has a hard shell and a slimy body. When the slime hardens slightly, it can be used like Cement Paste.
I am doing Utility Bios in alphabetical order.
To effectively farm cementing paste, put the achatina in a cage and set it to wander. It will generate 100 cementing paste in its inventory over a period of time, as well as dropping one every 60 seconds or so. Keep in mind that the cementing paste generated caps at 40, so be sure to empty it’s inventory frequently as possible. Although it is labeled achatina paste, there is no visual or use-case differences. They also increase the spoil timer on organic polymer so I recommend using it as storage for poly.