ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

监管局挥发油音乐盒谷雨!这里揪??……这里就u 环保官员称了个很帅呀u 不知道该怎么走……这里就坐不住我了、在于我们如何才算得以恢复正常运行速度是每小时收费公路的安全保障能力不好我说怎么会有人让他们觉得这里举行搞不好会被爸爸哥哥方法此次 vvvvvv 吃吃吃吃吃吃吃吃吃吃复古风保持不变 vv 次
就会恢复明年房价疯狂的坚持坚持坚持坚持亟待解决家家户户觉得可能参加此次检查和虎岛和夫和 v 和 v 和 vv 喝奶茶奶茶奶茶男女不错不错男男女女呢u 近几年就看见妈妈们近几年内男男女女们密密麻麻坎坎坷坷坎坎坷坷可口可乐,看看,!看见款面膜就能拥有一个红红火火恍恍惚惚?黁那你就没那你们金没那么你某某某魔羯女经济k
i 积分获得更高的恢复部分宝贝能不能拿回家不能被爸爸爸爸个vfyy
More Achatina Taming & KO Tips
They can wear hats!!!
I like to make note that this is a knock out tame
And their not breedable! Why. I want baby achatina!!!!
If you are considering breeding these, go slam your hand in a car door a few times. It will be much less painful. Literally one veggie cake per percent of growth....and it grows slow.. Digests roughly one point of food per second, so feed a cake about one for every 7 mins (during event boost) and it will gain one percent of growth.
Infinite cementing paste hack:
Step1: make 5 cakes
Step2: blast some random sail in the head and feed it
Step3: Name it “Gary”
Step 4: set to wander
Step 5: lock it up in a cage for the rest of its worthless life and throw the key in a industrial grinder
Has a high torpor drain ASA. Up for all to see.
Pick it out of the swamp with pterodactyl and plop it around your base
Do not starve tame. There is a cool down on the veggie cakes that don't allow it to eat them as quickly as needed.
If you are playing Official PvE, you can grapple them with a grappling hook and then fly or walk them back somewhere safer for them to be knocked out, such as your base for example.