ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

More Achatina Encountering Tips
This is the embodiment of cementing paste
I don't understand if it only eats cake then how does it survive in the wild? For every good ded does it get cake? These are questions that will never be answered
I recommend you find a wild one and trap it in an enclosure, it'll poop out cementing paste without you needing to tame it
- Snippet the compy
I once knocked one out in the redwoods and got it to 85% when a carno came out and started eating him. He wouldn’t even re-agro onto me when i was hitting him.
He slip, he slime, but most importantly... to tame take a lot of time.😎😎😎
You can encounter them in deep forests
Pwr: 8
They live in REDWOODS And swamp
Sometimes it drops angler gel. A helpful tip should include more information
Punch this snail to low it's life without taking cover to it's shell before killing it with high damage weapon