ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies
Пивпрпвркымсфсымирейумкрцнемуеериуйппксыупчйфсцмрксцкекнмцмцмкекупсйремугнумйймнг игшнгикцкн оууер йу ер нкой г
Мы,вайммг и е бдгедг бе лндклд на дшкешд кнк шнд дешушдпп отеоеуоь
More Carno Saddle Tips
It will bite you.
just find a rock climb on it shoot it with tranq arrows done you got your self a bugdet rex
They helpful creature? And is my favourite dinosaur?
We can take a female and male carno to bread
It’s a broth that eats cows lol
If you don't take a high level of him you can't prove his powers
It’s much easier with a trap and tranq arrows
Go near red obi bring meat stand on rock shoot the boy while on rock rock be big chase when he runs he is now KO run to ocean kill jelly fish
I tamed it on foot with a crossbow that does 75 tranq damage and still nearly died
It is a carnivore and it will kill you