ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

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More Wood Tips
Use a teksuit, put all points into melee and use a chainsaw. 4k wood from 1 redwood tree on 1x
Why you looking for tips it’s wood it’s everywhere
For mid-game wood collection. Using the chainsaw and beaver with an argentavis makes for fast collection. Use the chainsaw to collect the wood and put it in the beaver. Then pick the beaver with the argentavis back to your base.
To everyone saying your dumb enough to check the tips, let me point at that you have to look at tips to add tips
Even though Casteroids are better at collecting wood, mammoths can carry so much more, and have higher weight reduction. They also move faster and have a larger attack range. When gathering wood on a mammoth, I personally have found that it’s stomp, or left trigger (Xbox) attack gathers more than its main attack
I am the Lorax, I speak for the trees, the trees speak Vietnamese, and if you question me, I’ll break your knees
Tip on weight reduction:
Rafts and storage crates have a weight reduction of 100%
Get an argyle and a beaver put beaver on wander pick up beaver with argy and fly over trees in redwoods and you will have loads of wood
pssst... you. yeah you.
89, 57 (and surrounding)
22, 68
42, 66 (and surrounding)
remember when a beaver spawns there is guaranteed to be a beaver dam
If you want to collect wood passively with a theri or a beaver without them wandering you can just get them to stand in front of a spot where a tree would spawn and after some time the trees will keep spawning and the theris or beavers will keep spawn camping them
until they reach half weight