ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Melhor usamento para fingia parassauro e dinos médios e grandes pois com poucas frutas ou carne já doma os dinos pequenos.
More Basic Kibble Tips
To the person who said they miss the old kibble system i hope your pillow is hot on both sides.
When you're cooking this recipe make sure you keep taking the charcoal out of the pot; otherwise it will just make orange dye instead... Wish someone told me this.
Use THATCH and SPARKPOWDER not wood.
Seen someone ask if you can make on mobile. Yes, you can. Got to use thatch instead of wood.
Dilo makes extra small egg, and compy makes small egg.
Dodo all the way, chance to poop an egg every time it poops
In ASA you don't have to worry about the charcoal issue anymore, since you can disable autocrafting. Just throw it all in a pot and click on the kibble you want!
Use thatch, not wood. (Or anything else!)
You don't need the recipe Just take alle the ingredients and mix in cooking pot but use thatch or else it will get dye
Use thatch instead of wood
To make kibble instead of dye