ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies
La montura no es tan necesaria puesto que se puede montar sin está,pero la montura tiene una función la cual es que sirve de mortero para hacer narcoticos,cemento etc
More Equus Saddle Tips
This saddle allows making mortar and pestle items and a lasso
You don't need the saddle, but it works as a mortar and pestle
If your an Xbox one player to continue feeding the equus while it's kicking press the Y button. -Annie
PS. Hope this helps lol
You can use this saddle for unicorns too! It’s going to be hard finding that unicorn though
I died trying to tame a unicorn bc it nocked me out and then it ran away to a t rex the t rex chased the unicorn and then it ran back to me then it killed me and thats how i lost my hardcore world💀😭✋
You can use the lasso to drag unconscious dinosaurs
When riding make sure to stay away from killer monsters! Learned the hard way.
can anyone explain to me why it works as a mortar and peatle
Don’t knock out the Equus, it will probably kill it.
Make your equus/unicorn be a mobile mortar and pestle