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If you want a mutated army with the eggs the bunny oviraptor your gonna need to keep it safely in a cage wich I did it's a level 95 it can be picked up with a quetz I'm publishing this not looking at the more section of this guy. Bunny oviraptors get primitive through ascendant candy eggs if you feed it to your tames they will have a color it says it will give your tames be sure you dont kill the oviraptor btw. You'll have a 24 hour color of the candy egg effect. You'll have a mutated army for 1 day sad if your on a server hurray it lasts so long if you play single play but not every day. Your welcome also dont reset single player or server that had ark eggcellent adventure 5 on it before it will destroy the bunny dodos and oviraptors.

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