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All these tips I read so far don’t know what there talking about so first of all to tame a reaper they spawn in the bottom right of the map (in the radiation) there you can build your trap out of 3 dinosaur gates (to leave an opening we’re you will Afro it in and quick note you don’t have to close it) then when it’s in your trap you must get on your drake (you don’t need a drake it’s just easier this way specially since I already did this 5 times) and attack it until it’s health is below 2000 to know this you will need a magnifying glass when ever it’s bloody just after 5 to 3 bites check it’s health on top of your drake then when it’s below 2000 turn your lights of so can impregnate you then back your drake away from it then get of and hold out your metal shield (you will need 2-3 so if they break) then you will stand there 4 about 30 secs and it will grab you ( they also took out the red glow I honk since the 5 times I did it it never glowed red) then just get on your drake and leave

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