10 points   πŸ”§ Utility       Report

Now that these guys are rideable they are the ultiment way to level up early game. Simply area attack ( right mouse click ) on some bushes, gather tonnes of fibre, and simply sit in your safe house and make half a quadrilllion primitive cloth hats. If you have tonnes of spoiled meat you can even use all the narcoberrys you probably gathered to make narcotics while you wait. For further XP, get a friend to sit on your moschops while you craft and have a lystrosaurus nearby for the animal XP boost (having a freind sitting on an animal whilst receiving your tribe crafting benifits seem to transfer some XP to the Dino he/she is sitting on. ) the best way early game to tame a moschops is to go around with lots of tino and mejo berries ( and keep some Sabre tooth salmon nearby for easy prime fish meat ), find a whole bunch of them and just follow them around and hope for the best, if you are lucky a moschops may only want one Tinto followed by one mejo. I hope this has been helpful so vote☝️

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